Sunday, March 22, 2015

Day 92 - Just When I Thought a I Could Put My Sword Down!

Dear Friend,

Well, it's almost mind night and I'm ready to fall asleep,  that's an improvement,  something will doubtless, happen, though to keep it from happening!  Last night, around 1:00 am, my husband started having ferocious heart burn.  I was afraid he was having a heart attack and we were going to be on our way to the hospital. He took some Pepto-Bismal (the violets concoction ever made) and then some Alka-seltzer.  We got up and watched a couple of episodes of Friends until the pain let u and he could go to sleep.  So, I've been pretty tired all day today.  But, I was able to get my bedroom and bathroom clean, the kitchen and family room clean, and even the garage floor clean and a load of laundry washed.  And dinner cooked.  I'm super sore right now, but am hoping I'll be able to go to sleep without having to get up and go into a hot tub.  

I've really got to start exercising these hip joints, but I don't w-a-a-ant to!!  But they are hurting pretty darn bad, both of them.  

I've got my to-do list ready for tomorrow and it's pretty much like all of them: do more work than is humanly possible, but don't be satisfied with the amount you get done, and then excoriate yourself for not having done more.  I have a chiropractor's appointment tomorrow, but I'm not in acute pain now, so I'm already thinking that if I go, I won't be able to get as much work done.  And it's not hurting that bad now after all ... is it??

My warfare against the fake-Christian Right continues.  I'm going to have to deal with both of my brothers tomorrow.  But, in the meantime, this woman on Facebook posted something foul and said that she questions the loyalty of anyone who doesn't hate Obama as much as she does!  I mean, doesn't this just sound like the woman in A Tale of Two Cities who knitted her scarf and knitted into it the names of everyone that didn't believe a revolution was the answer, and used her scarf to testify against them and get them all beheaded??  I sent in a small response saying, "So, if anyone doesn't hate Obama as much as you do, you've decided that they hate the country?"  I got a response back, a rip-snorting one!  I sent a long one back that made her just spluttering mad.   I've copied it all and will tack it on here just for your amusement ... or rage ... or whatever.  I know my husband would say I'm wasting my time, but I just can't let this kind of stuff go by unchallenged anymore!

I can't wait for my outfit for the installation to get here and hop SO MUCH that it fits!!!  It's a little fuddy-daddy for my taste, but is appropriate and in perfect taste.  But I now just want to find a pair of shoes that will add just a bit of a funk-factor to it!  I was looking at the Miz Mooz website and they have some fabulous ones, but I don't think the colors will work.  

For our venture into Manhattan yesterday, I wore a short black skirt with black boots and leggings, an ivory t-shirt with sort of tiger-stories on it, my black leather jacket and a beautiful ivory scarf.  I wore my hair back and three-inch long art-deco sort of earrings, a black multi-strand bead necklace and a sterling silver design pendant on several black cords with silver beads woven into the cords.  A silver artisan watch, an ivory beaded bracelet and an artisan ring with gold and silver spinning circles completed it.  It was a fun outfit!  

Oh!  Reminds me!  MUST GET HAIR COLORED!! Can't wear funky outfits at 58 years of age if you have an inch of gray roots showing!

So, here goes my throw-down with this particular crazy woman!  Enjoy! 


So, if people don't hate him like you do, then we hate America?

Lisa, do you agree with what this man is doing to this country?  Do you believe our Constitution no longer matters and that wnat he wants is the only thing that matters?  Is your "awe" of him making you turn a blind eye to what he is doing?  If you sit back and say "he would never do that," aren't you abetting the behavior?  And he is not the only person in this country whose loyalty I question.  All I am asking is that good Americans really look at their heart as to just how much they would do to make sure this country survives.  I hate any person who has this little respect for the country I love so very much.  My family goes back to New Amsterdam with immigration in 1620 and many have fought for the freedoms we all enjoy(ed).  I feel very strongly about protecting that legacy no matter what it takes.  I would lay my life down for this country.  And I refuse to apologize to anyone for that.

I would lay my life down for the cause of Christ.  It's not right of you to assume that I hold him in "awe".  That is patronizing.  Neither am I turning a blind eye.  That is condescending,  I'm actually afraid when you put yourself in a position to judge other people's loyalty to a nation.  And you are departing from Christ when you declare your hatred for anyone who doesn't love this nation like you.  This nation should only represent the area of the world that God has called you to do HIS work of mercy and compassion.  And you care about a legacy that goes back to the 1600's?? How about the legacy you are departing from that goes back more than 2000 years!  Your hatred epitomizes everything about the extreme Right that is wrong, and the holy name of Christ should never have been brought into this petty internal political war.  "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's"!  Please quit bringing Jesus into this crusade you have created.  If we are Christians, Judy, followers and disciples of Jesus the Christ, then we do not belong to this world.  We are no longer of this kingdom.  The Bible clearly says that God has already set the borders and the times for all the nations.  Obama cannot affect God's plans at all.  The Bible also clearly says that no one has been put in a position of authority except by a God.  That means that God put Obama in office for whatever reasons He had.  There is no meaning to all of this that you have so totally immersed yourself in.  None!  God has a plan going on and we are getting to watch one tiny part of what He is unfolding.  There is the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of this World, which is under the dominion of Satan. Why would you think that political ranting would have any effect on the war between the two kingdoms?  As Believers, our work is the work of the Kingdom.  If you want to combat the things you think are wrong about the Obama administration, which hopefully -- across the spectrum of history -- you can see is virtually of no importance ... .  if you see him as evil incarnate and the enemy of this nation that you have so bound yourself to ... then the Bible teaches clearly that your weapons of warfare are spiritual not earthly!  You should be being driven to your knees beseeching God to bless the nation and to spare it from harm ... not spewing hatred on the internet!  And I make no apologies to anyone for this, either.  

So is this man and people like departing from Christ when he stands by and allows Christians, Jews and evenuslims to be slaughtered in God's name.  There were many Christians who died when this country was founded so going to Christ with acceptance of all of this is a cop out.  And challenging my faith because I love this country is a cop out as well.  Our Lord helps those who help themselves.

Well,  Judy.  I'm very disappointed in your answer.  You don't address my charge that you are being patronizing and condescending to me .  You don't deny that you believe you can be the judge other people's loyalty to the nation and you don't address my saying that you are departing from  Christ when you make your beliefs about, basically, Obama, the litmus test of whether or not you get to declare you hate someone.  You have nothing to say about me saying we are here to do the work of Christ of mercy and compassion in the world, nation, and time in which we are placed.  More disturbing is that you do not address at all the Biblical truths I mention.  Apparently, if the Bible contradicts you, then you are uninterested in it.  And you say nothing at all about the need to rely on spiritual weapons of prayer and submission instead of relying on your own arm of flesh, anger and hatred.  So, rather than using reason, you resort to bombast.  

Now, why do you think that is?  Why are you wiling to let the Scriptures wash over you with no effect whatsoever?   You have only one point to make which is that Obama should declare war on ISIS, rather than assist the countries who are actually at war with them.  I'm glad for you that you think such a complicated issue is easy and the answer is to send in the marines.  You do know, don't you, that your characterization of Obama as standing by doing nothing while innocent people are being killed, whether that is an accurate statement or not, IS accurate of what the United States did at the beginning of WW1 and WW2?  We deliberately stood by and did nothing.  Do you condemn those presidents as well? Or how about President Bush who refused to do a single thing during the Rwandan genocide and then straight out lied to the people of Rwanda and to the American public by saying that the administration had no idea what was going on?  All the documentation is out now.  They knew PRECISELY what was going on and did nothing.  Those were Christians being slaughtered, too.  Do you have any outrage for their deaths?  Do you have any outrage directed at President Bush for doing nothing and letting almost one million innocent people be chopped into pieces?  If you don't, then your outrage at President Obama is hypocritical.

By saying "going to Christ with acceptance of all of this is a cop out," doesn't surprise me, because you don't seem to be going to Jesus at all.  You are basically saying that the Scriptures are of no value to you and do not represent the ultimate truth or the revelation of God to man.  I did not actually challenge your faith previously, but now that you show that you care NOTHING for what the Scripture says, I have no choice except to question your faith.  The Scripture is the Word of God.  It's truth should smash into you and you should let it change your thinking and your position in a way that brings you in alignment with God's word.  I in no way challenged or challenge your faith because you love this country.  That is nothing buy hyperbole and a complete twisting of what I said.  And to be sure you understand what I am saying so there is no mistake, when you deliberately distort the truth, you are lying.  Love the country all you want, and show that love it by falling on your knees praying for the nation.  I am copping out of nothing.  You, however, are waving a flag of "I love my country" to try to hide the fact that you are loving this country enough to refuse to obey the King of the Kingdom of heaven.  And, finally, it simply hurts me to no end to hear you say The Lord helps those who help themselves.  You are how old and have claimed to be a Christian for how long and you do not know that that is not in the Bible?  Nor is it true!  The Lord helps those who fall at His feet in utter dependency on Him and who submit their will to Him and are willing to be obedient to Him.  The slogan, "The Lord helps these wh helps themselves" is a slogan that can be used by anybody to rationalize any sin they want to.

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