Saturday, March 28, 2015

Day 86 - Going to Seminary!!

Dear Friend,

Today was a much better day.  My husband went with me to an open house at the seminary I would like to go to.   I think it's going to be perfect.  It turns out I won't have to go into the Manhattan campus at all, and this campus is very near my home.  I'll be able to take everything here.  It looks like I'll be heading for a M.A. in Biblical Literature, primarily the New Testament, with Greek.  I'm really excited/terrified about it.  I'm going to start with a single course.  They have a ... something or other ... that says what sort of behaviors they believe their students should either exhibit or refrain from and one was ... profanity!  WHOOPS!!  You don't have to sign anything except that you understand that this represents the school's position on a lot of different matters.  I laughed and said, "oh oh!  That was going to be a problem!"  To my delight, the young woman said something along the line of she thought most people would be surprised at the number of things that don't really upset God!  Amen, sister!

My husband thought the place looked great and was going to be perfect for me and hopefully help me to get moving with my writing and life.  

We found a wonderful restaurant in the village and had an absolutely delicious lunch.  Came home, napped, went for groceries, and I made a French lentil soup that was pretty good.  

I've done some crying today, but not much.  Vast improvement. 

And, that brings us up to date.  We learned yesterday ant a pretty large church in this village and plan on visiting it tomorrow.  

So ...  finally ...


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