Saturday, March 21, 2015

Day 93 - Great Day!

Dear Friend,

I had such a good day today.  My husband and I caught the 12:18 train int the city and saw "If/Then" on Broadway.  Wow!  What voices!!  And, my, how many homosexuals!  The main character is heterosexual, but four of the six primary characters are gay or lesbian.  I didn't know there was going to be tragedy in it, so I went completely unprepared for crying.  As we were leaving I saw a young woman who had obviously been crying and we got to talking.  She used her scarf for her tears, but my scarf was ivory and dry clean only, so I couldn't use it!  I'm very glad we didn't miss this.  Tomorrow is the last performance.  The woman who plays the lead is the woman who plays Rachel's mother in Glee, BTW.  

I looked online for restaurants near the theater and found one highly recommended called Blue Fin.  Wow!!  It was so haute New York!!  And the food was fabulous.  We had a delightful time there.  

After we left, we made our way to the subway station to take us back to Grand Central.  My husband was trying to buy our tickets for the subway and just had one problem after another  after another!  I mean,he couldn't buy those tickets to save his life!  Need run his credit card through wrong or hit a wrong number entering his zip code.  I turned to the man behind us and started to say, "He's actually quite brilliant!" But after seeing his face, I decided he wouldn't appreciate the humor!  Then, after he was successful and we started walking downstairs I started laughing so hard I could barely breathe and was in PAIN!  We made good time to the station and caught our train home.  When I told our daughter about him buying the subway tickets, I couldn't even speak I was laughing so hard!!

So, back to my family.  Because I know y want me to tell you more about my family, don't you??  I posted that article last night and had three comments, one from my lesser crazy brother who was at least addressing what the man said and how he thought he was contradicting himself.  BUT, then he wrote me a message that apparently said that by posting something I was inviting conversation and debate.  I started to respond, but didn't have time to finish.  But, then I got back home and found that my mother had texted me asking why I was so angry and was she one of the ones that I was talking about and why did I post this article and she had read it three times and still didn't understand why I posted it.  Now, if your mother is normal, this doesn't mean anything to you,  but, since my mother is crazy, it rings all sorts of alarm bells!  How has she interpreted this through her mind and where is she going to run with it.  So I messaged her that she wasn't one of the ones and she said something about another article this man had written called, "Killing Ragheads for Jesus" written by oh, the sniper guy they made the movie about ... Kyle?  Well, I was super disappointed to learn that he was not the noble warrior they portrayed in the movie, according to his own writing in his book.  The plot was completely fabricated.  So the movie cultivated a cult-like revering of a character who didn't really exist.  And it's a movie that supports a lot,of things that are troubling me.  

So,,the whole thing is making me uneasy.  My son says he has ghost written a response to my crazy brother for me to read.  Tomorrow, I need to get both of those letters mailed.  Not emailed, mailed.  

Well, I can tell that I have to start working on strengthening my hip joints again.  They're both weak and hurting a lot.  I wasn't keeping this journal when my left hip joint almost came out of its socket.  Wow!  Took several months of therapy to get it strengthened back up.  At least I know all the exercises and won't need a physical therapist.  

So, I had a great day with my husband, though my family still casts a long shadow over my life.  


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