Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 365 - I'm Never Doing This Again!

Dear Reader, 

I thought I lost the entirety of this blog last night!  I tried changing the name from "Rebooting My Life in 135 Days" to "Rebooting My Life in 365 Days."  Why?  Because I think it's pretty apparent that I barely got my life up off the ground, much less rebooted during the last 135 days" so, since I've still got a lot of work to do, I decided to change the name.  And, when it did ... It seemed to delete the whole thing.  I don't know what's going on, but hopefully you can go to the same link and only the name is changed.  

I stayed up till 2:00 this morning just because of bad habits.  I justify staying up late in the bathtub if I'm researching because, hey, I need to do that anyway.  Might as well do it while I'm letting my connective tissue unkink.  But then the water gets cold, so I add more hot water.  Then I don't want to get out of the bath while the water is nice and hot.  And on it goes.  So, these are my new rules:

1.  I cannot use the internet in the tub.  
2. I can read from Kindle if I want to, but no researching at all.
3.  I can only stay in the tub reading for 10-15 minutes after I've finished with everything else.  
4.  Then get in bed and, if I still want to, I can mess around on the internet in bed.  

It was hard to do this this evening, but I managed, and it is not even 12:00 and I'm ready to go to sleep.  Hopefully these new tactics will help me address and conquer this self-destructive habit.  

I couldn't wake up on time this morning.  Kind of hard when you were up till after 2:00 am.  I cleaned up the hotel room and then went to the house to unpack things.  Not raring to go at all!  I did have a goo prayer time and got my Bible read early in the day before I got started.  But by that time I was so tired I had to lay down. I set the timer for fifteen minutes and fell sound asleep.  

I went to a diner for lunch.  Got a Greek salad with turkey breast and an order of french fries.  It came to $18!   You can get a very fine meal for,this amount at some of the other, nicer restaurants, so, this will probably be my last visit there.  

I picked up some things at a local health store for dinner, and bought light bulbs at a CVS.  Good grief!!!  

The walk didn't happen because I got off to such a late start. I hope to do. I better tomorrow.  I will be going with my husband to a graduation ceremony at a maximum-security prison tomorrow evening, which I'm really looking forward to.  

So, who else is not happy about the US releasing five top Taliban leaders in exchange for one American army deserter?


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