Sunday, June 22, 2014

Day 347 - New Activities Added to My Life :-(

Dear Reader,

Well ... Picture am learning the intricacies of having a small lawn and four dogs.  Ugh!  But first ... today I spent time thinking about how a "grown-up" woman would handle her day versus how I, a woman whose childhood fears are activated, act.  It was a good thing to think about and made a difference in my day.  

For one thing, I thought that a grown-up woman would removethe offensive poop from the small backyard, not bemoan it's presence.  So ... I did the deed.  I got one plastic bag and used it to pick up all the mess and put it in another bag which I then tied up and out outside on top of a trash can. I actually had to do a search on what to do with dog poop!  I read about dog dooleys, septic systems you set up in a corner of your yard.  But they are a bit expensive and sound like a lot of work, so I'm going to hold off on that.  I did order steel gray poop bags, based on a review that said they were not see-through ... which seemed like a desirable quality to me!  I ordered a special poop-scoop that uses these bags in some way so that the bag wraps around the scoop to pick up the waste, so neither your hands nor the scoop itself get soiled.  Another thumbs-up option.,  finally I got some stuff you attach to your hose and spray on your lawn and it removes the odor.  And lastly, some rocks you put in your dogs' water bowl which lowers the ph of their urine so that they don't kill the grass where they pee.  Imagine!  So, I am PREPARED!  Bring on the poop!  

I cleaned another toilet (ugh) and my husband's sink and vanity.  I used to clean the toilets and sinks every day.  The idea was from who advocated a quick "swish-and-swipe" each day so the job was always non-objectionable.  Need to get back to that.  

I found our bedroom lamps and got them set up and working.  Moved one lamp to a little table between our chairs, set up the Bose radio, and got most of one large box of bedroom things unpacked.  

I have written a letter to the main guy over facilities bringing up our need for WINDOW BLINDS!  And I ordered sheets for our daughter's bed since I can't find any of hers.  

I made a real difference in the house (and yard) today.  I attached all the cushions that I found in the basement to the chairs and got cushions and pillows set up on my large wicker dining set, which they finally brought back to us.  I cleaned off all the glass table tops, but they need to be turned and cleaned on the other side.  

I plan to do some more work in the bedroom tomorrow and attack the closet room,  they can't out up any of the things to convert it to a closet until I have the room emptied, so that should provide motivation.  I also have a lot to do in our daughter's bedroom to get it ready for her visit.  

So, things are moving.  I ate healthfully and actually sat outside and read and relaxed with my husband for a good while which was lovely.  I'm supposed to meet with someone tomorrow about starting cleaning services on the house.  Yeah!

Well, that's my main news for the day.  I really need to get out and around some people!  I thought about trying a jazzercise class, but decided to still work on the house for this week.  Need to get to the dmv this week.  I narrowed down the internists in the area and sent about three names to my husband for him to pick.  And ... I ordered two other bedsets for our room just to be sure before I commit to the one that has come in.  

This is five weeks now that all I have done is work on packing or unpacking.  I'll be so glad when we are actually moved in!


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