Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 344 - A Better Day

Dear Reader,

The pain was pretty much gone this morning when I woke up.  What an enormous relief.  I was able to do some minimal work today, but I had a helper from the college who helped me get a lot done.  

The person who got the contract to do the work on the house came out today.  He took measurements for blinds and. Moved three blinds from downstairs to our bedroom, so I'm not providing a peep show for the neighbors anymore.  Good times are over, old guys!  You can stop taking your dogs out for late night walks now!

My husband has MOUNTAINS of clothes!  He swears he's going to go through them and cull out things he no longer needs.  Salvation Army is going to be getting so much from us!  I need to call them and get them to come out and pick up what I've already accumulated for them.  It's a LOT!

I would say that I am about halfway unpacked upstairs and downstairs.  The basement is a fright, of course.  I cannot find my vacuum down there anywhere!

I ordered sheets and a blanket for,our daughters. Room since I can't find any of those things.  The sheets are a perfect match to her bedset.  I've also ordered some curtain panels, but I don't think they've arrived yet.  There are two packages downstairs, but I don't think either one of,them is hers.  One package got here that I'm pretty sure is one of the bedroom sets I ordered, but I didn't have time to open it yet.  

At around 3:30, my body had strong words with me and told me to go to bed!  I finished off things with the guy who was helping me and slept for about an hour and a half.  I texted my husband and told him to go,get a hamburger, so when I woke up, I heated up some polenta and BBQ chicken on it and had a salad out of some excellent salad greens they have here.  Then I had some edemame, so that made for a nice meal. 

We sat outside on the patio while I ate and he smoked a cigar.  He told me about a lot of,cool things that have been happening.  He's already calming down a lot of,folks here in the community.  They're going to love him when all is said and done.  There is one guy here who is apparently a fierce opponent of,the college.  I had already heard about him.  The man that my husband talked to today said that he should not try to talk to him yet, but he's probably going to. When he told me about that I said, "Why not?  He's not the only alpha male here!"  My husband is the alpha male!

I can't wait for my daughter to get here!  I have just been unpacking , as my body let's me, and haven't gone to anything fun yet.  She's looking forward to walking all the trails around here and eating some good food, so I've been saving the good stuff for when she gets here.  

 I usually write this in bed, but as soon as I got in bed and started working on my to-do list for tomorrow, my neck started killing me!  It's hurting really bad now, even though I moved to a chair.  

I've been letting my cat out for little bits the last week, and then I let her out while my husband and I were sitting outside.  But then, later when I was trying to get my blind dog to come inside, the cat rushed past me and got out and won't come in.  So she's about to spend her first night outside, it looks like.  I'm going to check on her one last time before I turn in, and then that will be that.  There's a six foot fence around our backyard, and I don't think she would know how to climb it, so I assume she's still there some where.  This means that I won't be leaving food out for,her anymore!  I was reading about training a cat to come when you call and the first thing you have to do is stop leaving food out for them so that they get hungry..  And then you can use the hunger to train them.  

I hope to pick out our dining room furniture tomorrow.  I've prepared myself so I won't faint over the prices.  I'm not hungry, but I want to go down and heat up a gluten-free roll I have down there and slather it with butter and eat it!  I'm sure it's the stress of my neck hurting again and worries about my rotten cat.  


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