Monday, June 16, 2014


Dear Reader, 

I got a pretty good amount of work done today.  We went to a Pier One on Saturday and I got new cushions for the front porch.  I set them up today and they look great!  These are the cushions I got:,default,pd.html?cgid=angelique

Hmmmm.  I thought that would bring up the picture.  I tried to copy the picture and add it, but I wouldn't do it.  Oh, well.  They are a black background with a leaf motif that brings in reds and greens.  I like them because they work with the house now (white with olive shutter) and will work with the house if it gets painted (a more traditional white with black shutters and red door.). Plus they should handle dirt well.  I out them out today and they look very nice!  

I had big work plans for,the day, but I wasn't far into it when I came squarely face-to-face with the fact that I am not very strong or fit.  I tired really easily.  At some point today, I guess when I was carrying something fairly heavy upstairs, I pulled all those growing muscles again! Oh, for crying out loud!!!  Hurts SO BAD.  Really limited the amount of work I got done for sure.  I wasn't able to get to anything upstairs, but I did get quite a bit of work done downstairs.  I swept the entire downstairs and dusted and cleaned and arranged and went through boxes.  Really made a difference!  I even got some laundry done. 

They came out to test the pool water, so we may have the pool up and running before much longer!  

Hmmm ... I can't figure out how to scroll all the way down to wear I say I pulled my "growing muscles" but I meant "groin muscles"!

My doggie's diapers did not get in!  And they don't know when they're coming, so I'm going to have to order a different kind because I need them NOW!  She is blocked into the 
breakfast  room tonight to limit her excretory functions!.,  I did find a harness system that holds the diapers on so they can't get out of them!  Got rave reviews so I ordered one last night. Something's got to change because the constant puddles is driving us crazy!  

I have to tell you about the broom I ordered because it's amazing!  We have four dogs, so the dog hair situation is ridiculous!  This is a rubberized brush that said it picked up dog hair and -- my gosh -- it does!  It's fantastic!

It picked up hair I didn't even see.  

We had a big salad again for dinner and the some Skinny Cow candy my friend gave us in a wonderful goodbye basket she made up for us to survive the car trip.  It had everything we needed except alcohol!  :-)

I hope tomorrow to get a lot of work done upstairs.  I'm down to seven boxes in the bedroom.  I have our litter box set up in one of the unused bathrooms.  It's a mess.  She's tracking litter everywhere.  I got online and found this Breeze System that looked really good and more than a thousand good reviews!

Oh, I won't be working with the nutritionist I told you about because her hourly fee is, get ready, $400 per hour!  I emailed her backpack that I was sure she was worth it, but that was outside of my budget.  I didn't say it was outside of my budget by at least $350!  I got a sweet email back from her.  Her website is really wonderful. She has a bunch of summer salad recipes right now that look fantastic.  Check it out at 

Well, I'm really tired now.  Oh, but news flash!  My husband bought us each a fitbit.  I sat down a couple of days ago to figure it out, but I. Ended a computer which was upstairs, so I left it till my husband could help me out with it. Today, I gathered everything up and moved it to my side table at the end of the sofa. So, after dinner, he started to get it set up, but had to stop because the little do-hickey wasn't there!!!  The little thing that is the actual fitbit is missing! Oh my gosh.  So tomorrow I get to go through this big basket that has a million remote controls and other things in it and see if it dropped into there.  Pull out the love seat, look behind it.  Oh gosh!  What if it dropped between the cushions? If it falls down deep will I even be able to find it?  Horrors! 

Well, in that cheerful note, I'll close. 


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