Friday, June 27, 2014

Day 343 - Ferocious Headache!

Dear Reader, 

Have you heard about all this going on in Mississippi?  I lived there for 18 years and I am in no way shocked about the dirty politics Cochran and his supporters pulled.  And the Governor just wants to cover it over and certify the vote before the votes have been examined to find out how many are illegal??  They already have found almost 1000 illegal votes, and many counties are refusing, illegally, to let their records be examined.  Unbelievable! What am I saying??  TOTALLY believable!  I am SO glad I don't live there any more!

I saw the chiropractor and he worked on my neck some more and was able to get it to adjust some more.  But it's hurting awfully badly this evening and has caused an incredible headache.  It's weird because it's mostly on the right side, and the right side of my forehead is swollen.  

I went to Ethan Allen today.  I called the manager ahead of time and asked her of she could set me up with someone who understood the style I was going for.  She said that all of,their designers are very versatile, but that there was one who especially liked the style I want.  Her name is Alex, and we bonded immediately!  She totally gets what I'm trying to do.  I want my house to be warm and friendly and inviting.  Fresh and bright and youthful and cheerful.  Something that our lower-economic students will not find intimidating, but something that our very rich backers will find appropriate and refreshing.  I want a blend of French-country with a touch of shabby-chic but reflecting refined elegance.  A style,that is appropriate for our Southern heritage, but will have the crispness that someone from Manhattan would like. Romantic, but sophisticated.  Easy, huh??  She had some really good suggestions that I liked a lot.  She is coming to the house next week to see it and to measure everything.  She's also going to help us figure out if we can do the baby grand or not.  

Our daughter comes in on Sunday!  I have to finish putting her room and bedroom together as best as I can.  The space saver for her bathroom has arrived, but it looks like I'll have to out it together.  Hope it's easy!

My cat stayed gone all night and all day and into this evening.  She finally came to me!  

For lunch today image an entire bag of,those popped popcorn chips, the triangle looking ones.  An entire BIG bag!  I was running errands and didn't have time to stop,to eat. 

I have to do a lot of housework tomorrow ... Beginning with cleaning all the poop in the backyard ... Yay!  Poop pick-up party!!  And then spraying it down with this lawn deodorizer. That'll be a lot of fun.  

The pool has been cleaned and prepped and is looking beautiful! Can't wait to get in it, but it's really cold right now.  

Well, that's it for today.  


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