Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 346 - A Much Better Day!

Dear Reader,

I don't know,what made the difference, but today was a much better day.  I think it was trying to approach my work with the mindset of how what I call a "grown woman" would do.  "Grown woman" as in a normal woman as opposed to still emotionally traumatized, but yet, grown woman.  My alarm did not go off because I set it in the dark and couldn't see if it was set for am or pm.  I knew there was a 50/50 chance that it wouldn't go off, and it didn't.  When I woke up, I was afraid to look at the clock.  I was so afraid that it was noon or 1:00 again.  But, it was only 10:20, so that was a relief.  

I got up with energy and enthusiasm.  I had made a good plan for action today, focusing on cleaning, rather than unpacking.  I didn't get even halfway through my planned schedule, but what I did do made a bit difference.  

I met my mailman today.  I heard him pull up and went outside to meet him and said, "Please have doggie diapers!"  He did, and they actually fit my dog and she can't get them off!!!  Thank God!  He was a strange man, and very ... unkempt.  He had a towel,drape over his head and a hat on top of it.  I asked him if he would like some ice water, and he said some ice would be nice.  He had really crooked teeth that had ... well, not been brushed for,quite a while!  I didn't ever see anyone so ... um, is it unkind to say "gross" in Mississippi or Tennessee!  In 25 years in the Deep South.  And, yes, of course it's unkind.  But I don't know any other way to say it, and I don't want to draw a more precise word picture for you.  See, ... I'm protecting you!

The owner of the dry cleaners delivered my husbands clothes today.  Really nice man, Korean I think.  And he was so pressed and polished.  A real contrast to the mailman.  And super nice.  

I am down to three boxes in the bedroom!  One small one, and two very large ones.  So exciting.  I got a lot of things cleared off of,the mantle. It's looking neater, but isn't decorated yet.  

My husband grilled me on what was happening on everything regarding the house while we were at dinner tonight.  At one point I interrupted and said I felt like I was being grilled and we were at dinner, after all.  I wasn't upset, I was just commenting.  Strongly!  I told him he was still in his Presidential mode and not in his husband mode!  After we finished going  over everything I asked hi, if that was how he grilled his staff.  He said, no, but he knew I could handle it! 

We are getting 2 inch faux wood blinds put in several of the rooms. I can't wait!  They are going to make such a big difference.  He also told me to go on to Ethan Allen to decorate the house and not to try to pinch pennies like I was planning to.  So, that should make,things much easier.  Two sofas, two Bergere chairs, two occasional chairs, one large round ottoman, coffee tables, sofa tables, end tables, lamps, art, rug and drapes.  And I'd really like a tall secretary for one wall and plantation shutters on the lower half of,the windows. 

And then there's the dining room.  Dining table to seat ten, one or two china cabinets and a large buffet.  Maybe a tea service table.  Art, chandelier, large antique mirror, drapes and a rug.  

And then there's the entry way.  It doesn't exactly lend itself to any special decorating .  It's a large space with one long side wall and two short walls on either side of the entrance to the dining room.    My husband wanted to out a small baby grand in here, but it requires 7 and a half feet by 5 feet and would probably overpower the entry.  He is really saddened about this.  We found a very nice ebony upright.  It's strings are the same length as those in a baby grand, but the action is different since they are vertical instead of horizontal.  But it's just not the same at all.  I may submit this as a question for houszz folks.  They can be extremely helpful.  

I wore my fitbit for the first time today and met my goal in the afternoon.  Ultimately logged 12,440 steps.  Yeah!  I'm looking forward to seeing what it says about my sleep tonight.  I think this little gadget is going to be really helpful.  

I met with three members who run the facilities here, which includes our house.  They are incomparably smarter and more efficient than the people I dealt with in Tennessee.  I am so,used to,having to go,slow and watch the wheels,spin slowly in people's minds, the pm see,them misunderstand and planning how to go back over it hoping they'll get it the second time around.  Not so with these people!  My husband told me the staff here was MUCH sharper than were used to and he wasn't "whistling Dixie!"  (Sorry.  Seemed appropriate at the time!)

We talked about house cleaning options.  This has still not been clarified with the board, but I told them that I would like, ideally, a team to come in three mornings a week.  Well see what happens.  How can they possibly refuse to clean their own house!?

I am experiencing something new.  My sense of smell is coming back.  I bought a lotion at a spa in Jamaica this spring.  I could never really smell it and wondered why they made such a big deal about the fragrance.  Well, starting two days ago, I could smell the coconut  fragrance!  Tonight, I could pick up some other fragrance in it.  Pomegranate, maybe?  

I am in desperate need for a chiropractor.  I've got my right pelvic joint out, and I have a neck vertebrae out so far you can feel it jutting out my neck.  I am going to call to see a chiropractor tomorrow, but it will regret the time.  They'll have to do all the new patient stuff and take x-rays, and I'll be there for an hour and a half at least!  Time I can't spare.  But my neck has been out for a few days, and I can't mess around when my pelvic joint is out, so I'm going to have to just do it. 

I've got a lot of work to do to get my daughter's bedroom and bathroom ready for her visit.  She gets here Sunday!  In the meeting they said that there were some delays in getting the pool ready.  I asked them to please, please have it so we can swim while they're here.  They said they can do that.  Later the heater and sand trap (sand filter?) may need to be replaced.  

Well, I think I'm going to go down and heat up a corn tortilla.  Had a super lean dinner and am just a little hungry. Enough so I won't be able to go to sleep, I think.  

So, maybe I've turned a corner?  Maybe not?  A friend offered to come up to,help me,which was remarkably sweet.  I told her I want her to wait till we can just paint the town!

That's it for tonight, folks.  Go to sleep!  Darn!  It's almost 1:00 am!


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