Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day 352 - Meh!

Dear Reader, 

Today got off to a rough start.  I had insomnia last night and didn't get to sleep till I'm guessing around 3:00.  My husband had woken up and I didn't ask him what the time was on purpose.  

So the day was slow to get going and I didn't get much accomplished.  I did get a few boxes unpacked, and I broke down some that my husband had emptied but chunked the boxes into another room.  I brought down the clothes and got them sorted and started a load and the remembered that the dryer is not venting outside.  A lot of IT guys came over and were working on issues with the internet in the house and then some maintenance guys came and took care of a few things around the house.  While they were here, though, I had to go back to bed.  It was one of those times when --- oh, heck!  I just realized that I don't think I took my beta blocker tonight.  Have to do that! --- my body told me to lay down or it was going to lay me down.  I got in bed and just layed (?) there for an hournrnlonger until whatever was going on got better.  I think I was dehydrated and so my blood volume and pressure had probably dropped.  

I was supposed to meet my husband at his office to walk into one of the villages for dinner, but by the time I got to his office I knew that I wasn't going to be able to do that.  So we walked back to the house and drove to the office. 

I did find my fitbit! Thank you, Lord!  It was behind the love seat.  Of course, I didn't find it until after I went through this big basket that was full of all kinds of tv type wires and stuff.  I wrapped each item up neatly and put them in separate ziploc bags.  Seriously.  What did we do befor ziploc bags?  And guess how many remote controls we have???  TWELVE!  Madness!

We found a new restaurant that was really good.  An Asian fusion place.  He had the Tom yum soup and I had a thai salad with papaya, mango and jicama with a peanut dressing that was delicious.  

What does it mean when my iPad keeps putting up a notice that says my storage is almost full and that I can adjust my storage in settings?  And why the heck can I not connect my phone to my car anymore by Bluetooth?  It's not even giving me that option. And ... the whole idea of doing on star for navigation rather than paying for a navigation thing to be out in my car?  Well, forget that!  You know what you have to do?  You have to make a phone call and listen to that recording about how you may be recorded, blah blah, then wait for someone to answer, them tell them where you want to go, and then wait for them to send you the route!  

I found the coffee maker today! Yeah!  STILL cannot find sheets!  I think I may just order some from amazon while I'm thinking about it.  

I just gave a few people the time of day on Facebook!  One person posted the adorable Hispanic boy talking to his mother.  I hope you've seen it!  The, "Linda!  Linda!  You're not listening to me!"  Well, I had been thinking about that video just today, so I went to make a comment and found that someone else had commented, "I want to see the little puke's Green card!"  Can you believe that?!  I saw that he was the poster's brother, so I didn't rant, I just said, "I really really really dislike the previous post!"  And then ... the same poster who is one of these ultra-conservative, I mean ultra, knee-jerk reaction, don't-bother-me-to-actually-think, conservatives posted something or other, I can't even remember what it was, I think it was an anti-Islamic thing, and someone posted "We should kill them all and let God sort them out."  Well ... I just about went ballistic and chowed down on him hard!  And I ended it by saying, "SHAME ON YOU".  Yeah.  I know.  Pretty profound, huh?  And then some guy I went to school with starts posting about how religion is going to destroy humanity and religion has caused more deaths than anything else and how religion has never done anything good for anyone.  Well, God just simply did not make me timid!  He made me a scrapper.  I don't mind taking people on.  So I jumped on his case, too.  I said that atheists always throw around things like that because they think that no one is going to challenge the,.  So, I said, forget that.  I challenge you!  Ever hear of guy named Hitler?  How about Stalin?  I wanted to go on.  You should look up the charts of deaths caused by military aggression since recorded history.  It will blow your mind!  It's unbelievable!  I think the whole world must have PTSD!  I also went off about how evil people hide behind the mantle of religion and use it as an excuse to do evil. Jesus said, "by their fruits you will know them" and it's not too hard to see the difference between the fruits of a true believer and a power monger or other types of hypocrites.  

So, I may not have gotten a lot done at the house, but I "whup some butt" on the internet!  I'm not getting back on Facebook the rest of the night, though!  

And now, it is that difficult time of the day when I have to turn out the lights and try to go to sleep.  I'm just not feeling it tonight.  I ate very healthy today.  I quit working when my body told me to.  But that's about all I did health-wise.  All the unpacking is just driving me crazy!!

So ... later!  


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