Sunday, June 8, 2014

Day 360 - Lovely Day Outside

IDear Reader,

Things are so crazy here.  I am glad, very glad, to be out of where we were, but moving is awful!!  I am in so much pain from picking up and moving boxes, finding places for things, breaking down these heavy boxes and taking them someplace out of the way and stuffing other boxes with all the paper they used to wrap things.  Plus, and you're going to love this ... I am completely out of my reserve stock of my heart rate med!  We looked everywhere last nightfor the box for the master bathroom stuff, but couldn't find it anywhere.  We did find my luggage and I have had some in my carry-on, but there's none in it either.  I've also been out of fish oil and antidepressants for six days now.  I did find some fish oil in my luggage, not much, but a little bit.  I'll be able to get more of the Rx on Monday, but in the meantime I feel like death!  Thought I was going to keel over in Sam's Club where we went after we saw the new Tom Cruz movie, which is amazing, btw!

That Thai food we got last night has had us both in pain today.  My throat is inflamed and swollen, so are my glands, and even my uvula!  It hurts to breathe, swallow or talk!  Never, never, never again!  I bet they heard a white woman's voice ordering "spicey" and decided to teach her some respect!  I do!  I respect the Thai!  But, I can't "talk Thai"! (Nods to "Meet the Parents")

I forgot until I saw the fish oil in my luggage how much I need it to fight imflammation.  Being without it for this long is doubtless part of the pain I'm in.  Got to find a chiropractor TOMORROW!

The weather is wonderful up here and it's so beautiful.  And the view from every one of my windows is beautiful. Not a parking lot or building in sight.  This is such a treasured blessing from God to be allowed to live here.  I am deeply grateful.

My left pelvic joint is a wreck again.  I got back into a hot bath last night for a while after trying unsuccessfully to go to sleep. Nights like that I used to take 20-40 mg of prednisone to stop the inflammation and the pain.  But I learned that that large a dose virtually shuts down my immune system for almost a month.  And, your immune system and your connective tissue are deeply interwoven and your immune system doesn't repair your connective tissue until, like, last thing.  The connective tissue is low on its list of priorities, apparently.  And, my prolotherapy doctor said that there have been studies showing that most to what people complain as being tendinitis is not inflammation at all.  They've done biopsies of the tissues and all sorts of stuff, and inflammation isn't what's going on.  Apparently the pain that is usually ascribed to inflammation of a tendon is actually nerves that have been damaged.  They need time to heal, and cortisone shots, etc. not only don't heal them (everyone knows that) but they actually impair the healing process.  So, with the Ehlors-Danlos Syndrome, I'm learning some more about the connective tissues.

Oh, did I tell you that the kidney test to see if what is causing my reduced filtration is from the glomeruli being clogged with antibodies wasn't done?  The lab was unable to do it because they didn't know how.  A, I need to get into a nephrologist after things get settled and have that test done.  My nephrologist mailed me the information so I would have it.

I need to find one doctor who puts everything together.  Immune system, Ehlers-Danlos, kidney dysfunction, parathyroid problems, autonomic nervous system disorder and whatever else I've got going on.  They've all got to be related somehow.  I found a woman in a local town who looks promising.

You know things are bad when you have to give myself a pedicure before you can go get a pedicure!

We had a big salad for dinner last night and are probably going to do the same tonight.

I'm going to try posting a link to a couple of pictures.   I think I'll copy and paste what I've written so far so I don't lose it when this fails!  sn't this gorgeous?  Remember I'm looking for cheerful, I want pale creamy yellow walls, and something that's not going to show,every dog hair.  This works, except its from Horchow and costs about a million bucks.

Well, this is all I'm going to try to do because I've already almost lost everything once.  Hope you've had a delightful Lord's day and are rested and primed for action tomorrow!


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