Friday, August 1, 2014

Day 308 - A Very a Pleasant Day

Dear Reader,

Well, all my plans yesterday to go to sleep came to nothing. I couldn't get to sleep until after 4:00 this morning.  I'm pretty sure I made myself tense just enough to cause me to pump that cortisol and adrenaline!  I was very frustrated.  I was so tired right until the moment I turned off the light.  I slept till 11 or so this morning.  

The first thing I did was get dressed nicely and drive to the salon where I had my hair done to give the girls their tips.  I found a parking place not too far from there and started walking.  I saw a farmers' market on the sidewalk so I out in money for 40 minutes.  Were talking about a major investment here:  35 cents!  I started walking and walking without seeing the salon, so I finally stopped and checked their location on my iPhone, and I had it wrong in my head.  They were much further away than I had thought.  Pick contemplated whether or not to move my car closer, but didn't want to waste that 35 cents!  So I kept walking, even though I was in bad shoes.  

I got there and the gal who did my color remembered me and gave me a great big hug, which was so nice!  The other girl wasn't there, so I left her tip with the manager.  I left the store and got down the block by about two store fronts, when a deluge descended!  I ducked into a florist shop and stayed there for a few minutes when I decided to just go on.  I got a little newspaper and used it to cover my head and walked in till I came to a nice gift shop. I turned in there and checked it out and bought some bath products.  The owner was so sweet; she offered to lend me her umbrella!  I declined and then went on, not even bothering to use the newspaper to cover my head anymore.  There's something liberating about walking along in the rain, not trying to cover yourself at all.  But ... that got old pretty quickly and I decided that I had had enough liberating, so I went into a sushi restaurant.  The phrase, "wet as a drowned rat" describes me perfectly.  I had a delightful meal and will absolutely be going back.  The rain had stopped when, suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck right across the street from the restaurant!  BOOM!  Wow!  It was so loud!  

The rain stopped and I finished up and paid my bill and prepared to leave just as it began raining really hard again!  So, I just took my time walking until I got to my car and drove home.  I know it may sound strange, but it was a very enjoyable outing!  

The rest if the day I worked very hard!  Too hard!  But I got a lot done.  I'm down to one box in the kitchen and one box in the dining room and the pictures that need to be taken out of their boxes.  I even got some pictures hung, did some laundry, and cooked my dinner.  I'm really tired now.  When my husband is home, he won't let me work this hard.  

My goal tomorrow is to finish the little dab of laundry left and empty that big box in the kitchen.  Then I need to put away everything that is in two big bookcases that have to be taken upstairs.  I want to finish up the dining room and sweep and mop in there and arrange things in the sunroom and sweep and mop in there.  I'd like to figure out a new arrangement for a set of white plates I have.  This will be the fourth house in which they have hung.  And, please do note that I took pains to not end that sentence with a preposition!  I also want to get a lot more pictures hung. 

Some physical plant workers are supposed to come tomorrow to move some furniture for me.  Turns out they work on Saturdays. After my furniture in my study is rearranged, I'll be able to start unloading books and get a lot of things cleared out in there.  Then I have to do a concentrated search for my social security card!  

I ate well today.  And I filled in the form for the functional medicine doctor and got that sent in.  But as far as my health goals go, that's all I got done.  I was just glad I was able to do all that working in bad shoes VB.  my ankles coming out of joint and was able to work hard the rest of the day.  I think it is all going to be so beautiful when it all comes together!  And the more I get done, the less overwhelmed I am.  Which is just silly of me.  There is still an absolutely overwhelming amount of work to be done!

Today was our son's 29th birthday.  It's such a joy to have him sober.  Now if he can just get a job.  He does very well when he has a job.  Today was our daughters's last day to intern at the place she has enjoyed so much.  So both of our kids are in limbo at the moment which makes my husband very on edge.  But I am confidant that things will work out well for them.  One of us has to be the optimist, and it seems to have fallen to me!  

At this point I now have a vet, a chiropractor, a hair salon, a dry cleaners, a grocery store, a mall and a drug store.  I haven't found a nail salon yet; the prices at the one I went to with my daughter were too high for regular use. And I may have both a regular doctor and a functional medicine doctor.  

Have I mentioned that I am NEVER MOVING AGAIN!!!  This is way too hard!  



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