Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Day 303 - Another Day, Another Dollar ...

Dear Reader,

... another dollar spent!  My husband says he's going to ban me from shopping online at night in bed!  Silly man.  As if he could! :-). Really, though ... I hate going shopping and I so prefer just ordering online, usually through amazon since I have a prime membership, so I don't pay shipping.  And every day is like Christmas!  I never remember what I ordered so I never remember what's in the box.  It can be something as mundane as the clips to hold my ironing board on tight, or a Clorox cleaning product I can't find in the village, or a scrub brush.  It's still always fun to open the packages!and you can almost always find things on sale.  For instance, after my trip into Manhattan to see my friend, I realized I needed a different pair of black heels since the ones I wore tore my feet up.  I looked at the Clark's website and found a beautiful shoe for $120, but my size was sold out.  Well, I found the exact shoe on amazon for $62!

My husband let me buy a plane ticket for my former housekeeper to come up for a few days in September to help me with the basement.  I would take her to see a Broadway play, but she is deaf, so I don't know whether to do that or not.  It would be a lot of money to spend if she couldn't enjoy it.  I spent five minutes in the closet-to-be room today.  It's probably the most disorganized room of them all.  I got a little dab done in there, and that's going to be the plan each day now.  Five minutes, get a little dab done.  

I called the psychologist today.  Had to leave a message and I'm sure I sounded like a complete idiot.  "Hi!  I've got a lot of trauma and PTSD big time and you seem to have written the book on that.  Ha! Ha!  But really, your resume is very impressive!  Anyway ..."  And it wasn't one of those recordings that gave you the option of deleting and re-recording.  Ouch. 

My husband had an appointment with a doctor in a nearby town.  He said that he is excellent and teaches at one of the medical schools, etc. I'm really glad that he found a good one.  
I go to see the functional medicine doctor tomorrow.  I am really hoping that this will be good.  I want to push forward on a lot of my health issues, as you already know.  

I got some work done in the dining room today.  Put up some linens that had been stacked there and emptied the box with all of our games in it.  I have them in the coat closet so they'll be handy.  Now we just need some friends!  Local friends, that is.  

I'm having some problems with the interior designer.  I may have mentioned that I found out that she had submitted the furniture order, which she wasn't supposed to do until after we got the figure for the stairway carpet that has to be replaced.  Only got that figure today and it's just shy of $10,000.  It's a beautiful staircase that floods out as you approach the entry floor.  But it pops our budget by a good $3000. So I had to write her a letter about all of this and I found that an email I had written her wanting to change the order for the sunroom had actually gone out on the day that the purchase order was sent.  She said I would have had to change my order within three days ... well, I did!  And she wasn't supposed to have placed the order anyway.  So I copied the woman here whose in charge of all this and my husband my email to her telling her that the order should not have been placed and we were going to have to adjust it some now based on the rug price ... which had been the plan all along.  The nice thing is that I didn't have to agonize over the wording of the letter since I'm not in the South.  I was able to just write a straight-forward letter saying ... nope! Can't do that.  Figure it out.  

I had an interesting/very sad visit with the man who is going to be installing our blinds.  He, too, is just developing an interest in history and has been doing some reading of his own on WW 1 and 2 and also our revolutionary war.  He told me a horrible, little known fact about what the English did to American POWs.  They crowded them into buildings in Manhattan like sardines and left them to just die.  They did the same thing with boats.  Just had the boats moored off the coast of New York and, when the smell of the dead and dying prisoners got to be too bad, they sank the ship.  

Wow!  Just unbelievable.  

The sad part,though, was he said something about his wife and the woman from our college asked about her.  So I asked if his wife was ill, and she has stage 4 colon cancer.  She is only 49.  They have been married for 29 years and have known each other since they were children.  They have three daughters, two of whom are still at home and one who lives just down the street.  We talked for a good while about her and the family and how they were trying to handle it.  I hugged him and told him I would be praying for God to sustain him through this.  He is obviously very torn up about it.  I saw that he has written me the sweetest email thanking me for being so kind to him.  The poor man.  What on earth is he going to do? How do you lose your spouse and go on?  

Speaking of spouses, I had another awful dream this morning in which my husband was being terribly cold to me and then I found out that he was having an affair and had no intention of stopping.  And it was with some floozy!  This one didn't wipe me out like the one yesterday did at least, though it lingered a long time and was very hard to pull out of.  I wonder if I didn't have this extra 40 pounds in the middle of my body ... would I still have these dreams?  I keep reminding myself that this is my place of healing.  This is the place where I am going to get healthier.  Right now my focus is on unpacking and getting settled and getting the house decorated. But after that's going to be about me and about exercising and losing weight and getting more healthy. I hope!  Everyone needs to NOT HAVE ANY CRISES DOE A WHILE!  It used to be like clockwork.  I'd lose ten pounds, and someone in my family would have a massive crisis!  Or I was in that big car wreck.  Or something else would storm into my life and throw me off course.  So ... no more!  Please!  For the love!



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