Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day 295 - ... and Then I Fell!

Dear Reader,  

I decided not to set my alarm last night and to just sleep until I woke up since I've been so tired.  (Darn!  The toes in my left foot are cramping and I can't get them to stop!). I woke up just before the painters got here at 11:36!  I put on a robe and went downstairs, let them in, took off my Jack Russell's diaper and out them all upstairs and then went back to bed for a while.  I decided to spend the day trying to believe that I am a strong woman.  That all of this unpacking, making millions of decisions about the house, trying to find places for things, getting rid of things, the painters moving everything downstairs to a new place each day ... ETC! ... was not going to get to me because I AM A STRONG WOMAN!

So, I got dressed, toasted a Glutino English muffin, made a cup of Earl Gray tea and went straight into my study.  First, I made a video of the room and posted it to Facebook.  Oh, and ... before I forget , I found two of the four missing couch cushions in a box in the sunroom part of my study!  I said that I was basically heading in and not coming back out until it was finished and I had found my social security card!  

I got a fairly decent amount of work done, but no success in finding the card.  But at this point, I think I've unpacked the boxes where it should be.  So I guess I'm just going to have to order a new one, but then still keep looking.  I'm pretty sure that, if I order a new one and make the payment I will find my card the next day!

Things were going along pretty well when I accidentally knocked over an iron curtain rod and it landed on my a sheltie.  I was try got get to her, but instead, I fell slowly and I stages.  First I stepped across the rod that was wedged at an angle against the hallway walls where I could not get to her.  I. Stepping of it, the toe of one of my sandals snagged the top of a precariously balanced box full of books and magazines and feel, spilling everything out into the adjoining bathroom. I fell at an angle, slamming my most painful arm against the door jamb.  Still trying to negotiate what was going on at my feet, the little ONE-EIGHTH inch this piece of leather on the sole of my sandal caught on the edge of the box under it and ... well I'm not sure what happened then except I was on the floor with the contents of two boxes spilled out.  The second box was full of my decorative linens, mostly antique.  And, yes, it hurt quite a bit.  QUITE a bit!  

My husband took me out to dinner, which was sweet.  But I have still been moving pretty slow and painfully the rest of the day.  Tomorrow I have to get the shelves into my bookcase so I can get the book boxes emptied. I would have done that today, but I saw that the men who handled the whit bookcase had apparently NEVER washed their hands and had dirty handprints all over it.   I did at least get three lamps set up in there so I have some light to use after it gets dark outside.  

We aren't going to be able to go to the Poconos this weekend after all, because they are full.  I'll be gone next weekend, but hopefully well be going the next weekend.  It took me a lot of time to find a pet sitter, but I did get one person for sure, and several other possibilities.  

I have a long and unpleasant day ahead of me tomorrow.  It starts off with an appointment with the trauma psychologist.  It is always hard talking about my life to a new person and leaves me unhinged somehow and very uncomfortable.  After that I'm going to the Ethan Allen store to make decisions about the paint in the sunroom because I'm not happy with any of the blah suggestions of the decorator.  

Then I'm going to a fabric store in another nearby town that makes custom drapes.  Trying to come up with something splendid for my husband's study.  Something very Ralph Lauren-ish!

Then I have an appointment with the chiropractor and then it's DATE NIGHT!  Unless it is a we're-too-exhausted-to-go-anywhere night.  

I've been wanting a journal to make into my Remaking Myself journal where I put ideas and plans and resolutions and quotes from books, etc.  I have a wonderful journal my daughter made for me last year, but I think I want to keep it to use as a prayer journal.  

I'm really trusting my designer with what were doing in the entrance!  I can't see it in my head, but I love what she did in the living room enough to stick with it.  Fingers crossed!


P.S. I'll be so glad when all of this part is behind me.  Right now my life is totally taken up with unpacking, finding places to put things and purging other things out, decorating the house, and figuring out how to clean up that pergola and that portion of the yard so it can be used for events.  There's not much time or space in my head for much of anything else.  At least I can see earl progress in the closet room and now some movement going on in the study.  Most of our son's room is my husband's things to unpack.  

Okay, I think that's it, then.  

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