Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 290 - Guess Who Is No Longer Mad at Herself?!

ME, that's who!  I had my follow-up appointment with my new functional medicine doctor and got my test results.  And, the news was not exactly good news.  I'm in worse health than I knew.  I think this doctor is going to be so good.  I may have mentioned that she is an assistant, or associate, professor at a New York medical school.  She did much more thorough testing than my previous doctor did.  And these are the results, in a nutshell.  

My cholesterol is high
My triglycerides are high
My good cholesterol is low.  One thing that this means is that my body is not being able to use the 3000 mg of fish oil I take every day.  She is taking me off of that and putting me on 2000 mg of a fish oil that has omega 3 and 7 ... something I've never even heard of before.  
My magnesium levels are very low, which leads to anxiety and pain
My inflammation level is huger than before at 6.6 (3 is a high risk of a heart attack)
I may be iodine-deficient
My "active" thyroid is low, though my other levels are normal.  This means that the Synthroid is in my blood, but my body is not being able to use it ... so I still have low-thyroid 
My testosterone level is crazy high!  The highest a woman should be at is 10 ... and I am 95!  This is a man's level of testosterone.  She was not happy with my EPT cream (estrogen/progresterone/testosterone).  She said my estroidial is super low in it, there is NO progesterone in it, and the testosterone is too low.  So I am going to have to have another hormone levels test for this.  
My DHEA levels are too high.  I have been taking 30 mg a day, so she is taking me off of that supplement completely
My D3 levels are way low.  
My Leptin levels are too high, which means I am "metabolically stunted" ... not sure what that means, but the result is being overweight.
And something called carnitine, I think, is essentially completely depleted.  This stuff produces energy, burns fat and increases muscle mass ... and I, virtually, don't have any.
My kidney filtration rate is low
My mercury levels are high.  So I'm going to have to be tested for heavy metals.  

Seeing all of this was strangely reassuring.  I'm really not very well.  My fatigue and no it being able to wake up makes perfect sense 
.. It's all right there in black and white on the paper.  She was a little  taken aback about how messed up everything was, but her words were great.  She just said, several times, "we've got a lot of work to do!"

I leave early in the morning to go to Tennessee.  My husband can't take me, so a car service is driving me in to the airport.  And my daughter is picking me up, so I can't wait to see her!  She's going to cart me around tomorrow and take me to my prolotheaoy appt tomorrow.  So, think of me at 3:00 as I get 150 mg of saline injected into my joints, tendons, and ligaments with 3, 4, and 5 inch needles!  And NO topical a aesthetic because I'm highly allergic to it!

That fall the other day has really messed up my L5 vertebra.  I had forgotten how great it felt to not be in pain from it.  Y never really notice how good NOT being in pain is.  Oh ... and I have some kind of rash that's come up on my toe that wasn't getting good circulation and which I rubbed a little bit raw when I went into Manhattan to see my friend.  She prescribed a steroid cream for it.  

I did put write yesterday because my anxiety was off the charts!  I was a wreck.  I used to get very upset about leaving home for any length of time, and I guess that's part of what was going on.  I'm slowly making headway and I don't want to leave!  Plus, everything had piled up from not being able to work much last week from being in so much pain.  And that always freaks me out and causes me to feel afraid.  

Tomorrow will be the first time I have flown by myself since I was 23.  I hope I don't set down my boarding pass and forget it!  

So, that's it for me.  I'm uneasy at going to my mother's house.  I'll be there for three solid days and part of another.  I was hoping my brothers would be coming in, but they're not.  So ... fun, fun!  


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