Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Day 282 - Did the ALS Challenge

Dear Reader,  

I had a tremendously hard time waking up this morning.  I left my iPhone downstairs so I didn't have it to set a sharp alarm and only had my very gentle alarm, so it was two and a half hrs before I woke up sufficiently to get out of bed.  I didn't have time to exercise by now because I had to go straight to the nearby city to try to register my car again. No go, third time in a row.  Since the bank owns the car, and not us ... my husband can't give it to me.  So he HAS to come down with me to the DMV to get it registered.  Bummer.  And another wasted trip.  

Then I got my hair colored and my bangs trimmed.  Feel like I hit the jackpot with this salon.  Love them there!

Then to the grocery store and made dinner.  Did the ALS challenge, ate, watched two,episodes of House, cleaned the kitchen and am now in bed.  It's just 10:32!  

I've gone through a lot more fabrics online and need to place some orders tomorrow.  I beginning to get a hold of this pink/beige/gray color scheme at last.  

I was a little dismayed today when talking to my mother to learn that she knew about the black mold in her hall and didn't do anything about it.  I told her that the huge swelling in my abdomen was going down and she commented on how huge it had gotten and she had never seen it get that big before.  I said it just have been the black mold because there was nothing else to explain it.  She said, "Oh!  Don't keep bringing up the mold and making me feel guilty!"  I said, "But you didn't know it was there!" And she said that, yes, she had.  She hadn't looked at it for a while, deliberately, because she hadn't wanted to spend the money to get the roof fixed.  But she could have had someone come in and clean up the mold quite easily and inexpensively, but just didn't, even though she knows very well that I am highly susceptible to it.  

Whatcha gonna do?  I know I won't go back until it has been completely cleaned up, though.  

That's it for me.  


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