Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 283 - Don't You Just Love the DMV?!

Dear Reader,  

Thanks for hanging in here with me for so long!  You're the best!  I swam again this morning.  I even got my dog, Beatrice, in with me for a while, just holding her and walking around with her in my arms.  She's not a fan yet, but we'll see. 

I ate what I think is a fairly good breakfast: a gluten-free English muffin and a slice of veggie cheese with a cup of tea.  It's not great, but it's not bad either.  

I went and got my social security card ordered today.  It should be here in seven days.  Can't get my driver's license until I get my card ... I tried!

Then I went to get my car registered, only to find that BOTH owners have to appear and prove their identity to register a car in New York!  And, only my husband's name was on the insurance card, so I've had to have it reissued with my name one it.  My husband gave me the car and filled in the paper work rather than have to find a time to drive to this place with me.  So, hopefully, the car will at least be registered.  Then, I think I have to have it inspected, but I haven't figured that out yet.  

I got to the chiropractor, which was a good thing because my right arm was starting to really hurt again.  He had a hard time moving the right side of my neck today

I mad a nice salad tonight with turkey bacon, field greens, pistachios, pear, and raspberries with a.blueberry vinaigrette and a gluten-free baguette.  I'm hungry again, though, darn it.  

It's 11:30 and I'm sleepy and ready to turn it in for the night.  My niece nominated me for the ALS ice bucket challenge, so I'll have to do that tomorrow.  Poor people.  It is such a terrible disease! 

I'm planning on walking in the morning instead of swimming. My hat should be fun.  I'm going to get on this trail I'm always complaining that I've not gotten on yet.  



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