Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Day 296 - Maybe I Should Stop Writing Late at Night

Dear Reader, 

Maybe I should write in the morning instead of in the evening.  I'm usually tired and discouraged late at night, especially if I've got any pain going on.  I've been on the cranky side today from hurting for too long.  The pain was much better, but I woke up with the outside of my left thigh hurting really bad in addition to the right arm and bicep.  Dad gum it!  And then, I got an email from my husband's new secretary who seriously is one of the sweetest people you could ever meet.  But her email was asking to set up a time when she and some other people could come over to the house to look it and the yard over for event possibilities.  Now ... this just hit me very much the wrong way, like they were taking this away from me and they were going to be in charge.  So, I wrote my husband one, or more!, emails about this.  Okay, ranting about this.  He wrote me back that it was in response to him asking them to handle things to get me out from under doing all the planning.  He said that they have people who can do this, I just have to release it to them.  Well, this set off a few more emails talking about the subtleties of hosting an event (sparkling water?  With mint or lime? water with fruit essence?  Wne? Champagne punch? How to set up the bartender, how to blend the flavors, colors, and textures of all the hors d'oeuvees.  How to plan everything from the invitation to the entryway to the flowers and table linens to create a welcoming, delicious experience that draws people in.  That this is my area of unique expertise and just because these women are New Yorkers doesn't mean they know how to host an event!  This, then, gave way to emails that said, on the other hand ... the Board of Directors is not giving me any support in the way of household help, so why should I give them the benefit of my expertise anyway?! Melt them just plod along with their ladies and see how well that goes!  Flaw with this plan, though, is that the Board of Directors have never been to one of my events and so they wouldn't know what was lacking.  Darn.  This, then, led to a nice little bout of crying and self-pity and out-right indignation!  It all started from bending down in the breakfast room and seeing how dirty it is and thinking about hw much it was going to hurt me to sweep it, much less mop it.  And somehow this took me straight to all of the clothes that are washed, but need ironing, and I haven't been able to iron because my shoulder has been torn up.  Also, if my husband were single, they would have given huma cook and a housekeeper I bet.  And ... I bet there is hardly another college or university who provides a president's residence and does not include cleaning services!  I knew this was the long and the short of it and I knew this was the situation when I came here.  But, apparently I'm not quite done being mad about it.  So, I'm not going to say anything that could hurt the secretary, but I sort of want to say, Sure!  Come on over!  Knock yourself out!  Mean, huh?  

I know a lot of my crying and I'll-temper was just because of the high pain levels for several days.  Well ... not JUST because, but I'm going to blame the pain for as much as I can!

I saw the chiropractor again and started taking the cymbalta again, so hopefully I'll be feeling better by the weekend.  

My husband emailed me today asking me if I wanted to spend a weekend in the Poconos!  Well, gee ... let me just think about that and get back to you!  Then he reminds me about the dogs.  So I've already started looking for dog sitters.  Were going to need someone lined up anyway, so now is as good a time to find someone as any other.  

Then, he said the most ridiculous thing yesterday!  I sent an email to that man whose wife is dying and he came by to thank me for it. He is doing some work on campus and on our house, so he was right around here.  He thanked me for it and told me how much it meant to him, etc.  so I'm telling y husband and he says, "okay, then.  That's enough of that!"  I was like, HIS WIFE IS DYING!  And he said he knew that, but he didn't need to be spending any more time around me.  I had to start laughing at that and he said, "hey, when you've got the sexiest woman on the block, you have to keep your shotgun loaded!"  

Well, that's it for me.  It's almost midnight, so it's time for me to be thinking about taking that Xanax and nodding off.  


Oh, and the interior designer and I are talking again.  Yeah.  

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