Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Dear Reader, 

Darn and double-darn!  This is what happened, I had another bad dream about my husband this morning and it messed me up really bad and ruined the day.   I'd tell you the dream, but it's too ridiculous.  I've had worse ones that didn't take me out as bad as this one did.  It was another one where it suddenly became obvious that he didn't love me and he was being cold to me and hanging out with other girls.  And there was a helicopter involved!  See ... I told you it was pathetic.  I couldn't pull out of this one and before I could get anything done, the painters arrived.  When the physical plant came in with them, he saw my face and, even thigh I wasn't crying, he could tell that something was wrong. He kept asking, "Are you okay?  Is everything alright?"  He looked really concerned so I finally told him our story.  No ... we're both still tormented by a breakup we went through 38 YEARS AGO!!

After a while the main guy for the painters who owns the business came in.  He's such a sweetheart!  He always makes me smile.  I hadn't seen him in a week and he was all Italian-New York "I missed you!!"  Anyway, I asked him about me leaving the house when his painters were here and he asked me not to.  Early in his career someone said a ring was missing and blamed it on his guy.  Later, they found the ring, but never told him.  So now, he just prefers that the owner always be at the house.  So ... there you go.  No chiropractor today.  I'm in bed with a pillow under my arm and a heating pad around my shoulder.  

I'm in pain all over tonight, pretty bad.  I've had Tylenol the last two or three nights so I don't want to take any tonight.  I'm worried I'll become allergic to it if I take it too often.  

We started watching House, M.D.  Really like it!  The last two episodes have involved something's related to my immune system problem, especially the one we watched tonight.  A young teenage boy comes down with anthrax.  They give him the antibiotic for it and he gets worse and breaks out in horrible hives all over and his throat swells shut almost causing him to die.  In the end, it turned out he had leprosy as an undiagnosed, underlying condition.  Then when they gave him the antibiotic it started killing the anthrax bacteria and his immune system started attacking the dead bacteria.  They even did a little visual of it and I told my husband, "That's it!  That's my complement system!"

There really isn't much to tell you about other than I was despondent almost the entire day.  I got better as soon as my husband got home and cooked dinner and did a real thorough cleaning of the kitchen.  

So, the big question at the moment in my mind is this:  when do I start exercising?  Yea ... I don't know the answer to that one, yet. 


P.S.  I am almost always hungry at bedtime!  
P.P.S.  I was so despondent that I went for the Nutella today!
And ... (I don't know what the next P.S. designation is) I researched trauma psychologists in my county and I think I have found the perfect person.  She is 20 minutes away, according to google, but it's all on a regular road.  No highways.  So I can handle it in the snow, I presume anyway.  Trauma is her thing and she's done a lot of post-doc work in it.  I did go get something to eat, but just a raw corn tortilla and one slice of turkey lunch meat.  I'm glad I went down because I had forgotten to put a diaper on my Jack Russell!

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