Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day Whatever - Observations In the Beginning of a Yucky Day

Dear Reader,

Well, I guess it should be obvious that I haven't started out the day in what you might call a chipper mood.  But, this day didn't really have a chance, did it?  I stayed up way too late for that to happen.  I'm still on the tense side.  My left arm is virtually back to normal now.  I didn't have any more pain in it the rest of the night and so far, so good today.  My right arm, however, is not so good.  It's got a low, constant pain going that makes me me unwilling to use it for fear of sending it off the charts again.  I called the Prolotherapy doctor in Nashville and left him a message reminding him of the Ehlers-Danlos because he needs to use a salt solution instead of a sugar solution for the injections. Mast time he didn't have any, so he had to kind of jimmy-rig a solution to get it closer to what I needed.  I'm looking forward to seeing him. I mean, the injections are unbelievably painful, and I've been out of yoga for long enough that I'm not sure how good I'll be able to get my Zen on!  And if he has the right solution, it's supposed to hurt a lot worse and a lot longer.  What he used last time wasn't bad at all.  But if he has the real stuff, what will that he like?

The chiropractor I saw yesterday has a female massage therapist on staff and it sounded like he was going to prescribe that for me after he did some more research about my condition.  Apparently, from a quick glance I took last night, it is therapeutic and recommended.  Apparently, virtually constant physical therapy is strongly recommended.  And, I definitely need to get back into yoga because that's good for it, too.

So, I had a hard time waking up because of staying awake last night too long.  And I woke u in a bad mood because I was afraid of waking up to another awful day.  My husband came home from lunch and we snuggled while he napped.  I can't get going on all of the health initiatives until I have this house unpacked, though.  So I'm going to keep pointing most of my energy that direction.  

So, what are the health initiatives?  Hmmm ... good question, Reader!  Let's see:

1.  Jazzercise two days a week

2.  Yoga three days a week.  I'll have to find an affordable yoga studio.  We checked out the nearest YMCA and it is just unbelievably SAD!  There is another one in a nearby, larger city that may be better.  But there are lots and lots of studios around me, I'm just worried about how much they will cost.  So, more to look into.  

3.  Massage therapy, one day a week? 

4.  Strength training twice a week.  No idea where or how, unless a Y membership in the other city works out.  Then I could do strength training on the days I'm there for yoga.  

5.  I'd really like to be taking at least a stroll on the nearby trail most every day.  Shoot, even just around the block would be good.  Walking is supposed to very effective at lowering your cortisol.  

6.  Doing WHATEVER the new functional medicine doctor tells me to do!  One thing cool about her practice is that she offers a lot more resources than my previous doctor did.  

7.  She has a nutritionist on staff, for one thing.  I looked up her qualifications and she is HIGHLY trained.  Apparently you meet with her monthly at no extra charge which is great because the one I looked into seeing charged $400 an hour!  And it looks like she has three different programs you can be in depending on how much change you're ready to make and how hard you're ready to pursue it.  She has one program for people just getting their feet wet, one for people who are ready to give it a harder go, and one for people who are all in.  At least that's what it looks like from going over it briefly.  Since she is in a functional medicine doctor's office, I think she will be better equipped to help me lose weight with all the complexities I've got going. Plus, just figure out what I CAN eat and give me some new ideas.  The doctor also has a massage therapist on staff and apparently you can get a monthly (or weekly?) massage. But that's not going to work for me because he's a man and I'm not going to get a massage from a man, even if my husband would let me!  That's one reason why I was glad that this chiropractor has a female massage therapist on staff.  Oh, something you should know is that therapeutic massages hurt like hell.  They aren't the kind of massage that you pay for because it feels so good!  

8.  Is that what number I'm on?  I can't scroll up on my IPad for some reason to check.  Continuing to pursue a more peaceful lifestyle in general.  

One thing good that happened so far today is that I was able to wear a dress that I haven't been able to wear before.  The bad thing, though, is that I have begun swelling already and so I'm going to have to go change.  

Sometimes I can judge how good or bad the day is going to be by noting how early in the day I go for the F word.  Well, I rang that bell pretty much first thing today!  

If you think that pain is making me cranky, you should hear what I'm like if I'm nauseated badly!!

So, I'm going to go take off my increasingly tight dress, put on some makeup and press on for the day.  My plan is to mostly work upstairs in my study/office which is a ferocious mess!


P.S.  I'm trying to change to a different template for this, but I'm not sure if I've done it right.  I'll find out after I hit the publish button.  Trying to jazz things up a bit!  I see all these fancy blogs by women in their thirties and I wonder how IN THE WORLD they have time to put so much into their blog!

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