Sunday, August 24, 2014

Day 285 - Back Home!

Dear Reader,

I am back home after spending several days with my mother. Overall I would say the trip was a success.  I didn't have internet while I was there, which was horrible!  And I couldn't figure out how to access the blog on my iPhone, so I will just cover the highlights.  

I did get the saline prolotherapy ... first and last time.  The pain was horrible!!  Far worse than it is with the sugar solution.  My kids went with me and then we went out to eat and had a nice visit.  I think my son has a new job he may be starting tomorrow.  

My mother had her 91st birthday.  My son came down to go to lunch with us, and my daughter came down to go to dinner with us.  My mother suggested Noodles for dinner.  There's virtually noting in this town but chain restaurants.  But, while we were there, she had a sudden anxiety attack ... worst one I've seen her have in a long time.  She suddenly just kind of freaked out over it being noisy and said she couldn't hear what the people taking our order were sayings. And then she kind of freaked to over the fancy Coke machine because she kept touching it wrong and couldn't get the coke flavor she wanted.  My daughter and I got her to a table away from every one and talked her down.  She was shaking really bad from the big cortisol and adrenaline rush, but recovered after a while.  

My daughter had asked if I would buy her some new makeup because she was out of everything.  I was happy to do this because she has.not been taking good care of herself and had almost quit wearing makeup.  I was also glad to because I think her boyfriend doesn't want her to wear makeup ... so I wanted to get her back into wearing it.  She actually let me teach her some things about makeup and let me find the things she needed.  Happily, my mother beat me to the punch and bought the items while I was looking for shampoo.  

I got to go with my mother to see my husband's oil portrait that has been painted and hung along with the past presidents of the university.  It is FANTASTIC!!!   So proud of him!  Then we met with the new president and saw how she had changed the house.  She has it decorated very somberly and seriously. Sage greens and blacks, etc.  it's very nice, but I think it is much too contemporary of a look for an 1878 house.  I don't think it's as warm and inviting as how I had it ... personally!  But she is SO nice and we had a great visit.  

I met my kids in Nashville on another day.  My mother was going to come with me, but got to feeling unwell and I had to take her back home.  We went to a guitar shop and I got our son his birthday present.  Then we went to a very funky Mexican restaurant for dinner.  He has written a song and played me a recording and ... I am telling you completely honestly ... it is TRULY WONDERFUL!  I loved it! 

My daughter and I then went to a new bath products store called Lush and had a nice time shopping there.  We went to the coffee shop outside of Nordstrom for me to have some coffee with espresso before I tried to drive home.  I was really tired!  I didn't get much sleep while I was there.  

My mother has a leak in her roof that she has known about, but didn't want to spend the money on getting it repaired.  She keeps the lights out in her house except for the room she is in ... so I don't think she had turned her hall light on for quite a while.  So ... when I turned it on, I was horrified to see black mold growing through the ceiling and all along the top six inches of the wall for a good fifteen feet!  About 2% of the population have the gene that makes them especially susceptible to black mold and I am, of course, in that 2%!  I knew I was super swollen up, and I guess that exposure is the reason why.  I also had a big bunch of taste buds drop off my tongue after I ate something, this is called geographic tongue and it is related to allergies.  And then today my left ear actually swelled shut!  I tried to out headphones on in the plane, but the left one hurt really badly.  I took the headphones off and felt my ear and it was actually shut!  

That's it for now. It's good to be back. 


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