Monday, August 11, 2014

Day 298 - I Don't Know What to Do

Dear Reader, 

I was in much less pain last night and was able to go to sleep pretty easily.  But then, it just hit me in the afternoon.  It was so bad on the outside of my arms and the biceps that I could scarcely move my arms.  I went to the grocery store to pick up the things I'd need for an easy Tuscan Bean soup, but just with that little bit of moving the pain was very nearly at the "excruciating" level.  I try to maintain a pretty tough demeanor to all the things that go on, but my nerves broke today.  I started crying in the car on the way back to the house and had a hard time getting back in control.  I still don't exactly have a stiff upper lip yet, but I'm better off than I was at least. 

My chiropractor was on vacation, so I got in to see a different one in one of the other villages.  I think this guy is probably better and I'm going to stick with him.  Besides, if nothing else, his office is right by a really cool antique store!  He took a really careful history and asked me all sorts of good questions about what has gone on in the past and what is going on now.  I have never had this kind of pain before.  Then he excused himself for a bit, I think to research things some.  He came back and said he wants to do more x-rays on me because I haven't had any for a long time and because this pain is new.  But for today, he suggested doing e-stem on my arms first, and then on my neck and lower back, and then doing an easy adjustment.  The higher you set your e-stem, the more effective it is.  So, in my arms I had it up so high that my muscles were literally jumping.  He was able to get my back to adjust pretty easily, but he said my neck was very stiff.  He was able to get some movement in it, though.  I will go back on Wednesday.  

We ordered Indian food delivery and watched two episodes of House, M.D. To keep my mind off the pain,  I've pretty much kept my arms clamped to my torso to keep from moving them any.  I'm moving like a little T-Rex!  My left arm is waaaay better than it was, but the right one is still pretty painful.  The chiropractor said that, obviously, I am very complicated and have a lot of different conditions that overlap each other so it's hard to know at this point what exactly is causing the pain.  After I got home I looked up the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and find that it can cause severe pain, just in and of itself.  I was not happy to read that!  Did you know that their is a branch of psychology that is all about pain?  It apparently is to train your mind to deal with pain better.  But it could be nothing more than a nerve being impinged by a vertebra out of place.  My neck and upper back are still somewhat painful, but bearable.  

I don't really have anything else to talk about because this has pretty well taken up most of this day.  But, here.  How about this.  I got to wondering if Hitler grew up going to church.  He did grow up Catholic, but I don't know anything yet about how much he went or if his parents were devout or what.  But I did find a bunch of quotes of him where he talks like a Believer!  It's freaky horrifying!!  It all made me feel even more strongly that Christians should stand apart from the government and to not get caught up in nationalism!  



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