Thursday, July 31, 2014

Day 309 - Guess Where I Am!

No, really!  Guess!  You'll never guess, so I'll just tell you.  It is 11:45 pm and I am IN BED!  Ready to turn the lights out and everything.  I decided I was going to HAVE to address my habit of staying up too late.  Have you seen that cartoon that says something like, "What I like to call 'insomnia' is often a combination of a good book and a lack of respect for the next day's obligations!"  So, I decided to prepare myself all day to go to bed earlier.  So, I had a good prayer time and read my Bible in the morning.  And then called my mother in the early afternoon.  It is just DEATH to talk to her on the phone.  My soul just curdles and cringes.  It's such a tap-dance trying to stay off all the things that she says that could launch something volatile from her.  I can't even hold the phone to my ear when I talk to her, I have to hold it away from my face.  This is a good thing because half the time I am saying things like, "oh, God ... I can't stand her!  I can't stand talking to her!"  Etc.  I haven't seen her for two months almost.  The last two times we've moved, she's called me within a month telling me to find her a place because she's moving up.  I would just curl up and die if that happened.  

But, anyway.  I didn't sleep well last night because of my husband being out of town.  So I was really, really tired today and glum because of him being away.  I hate it when he's gone!!  I really hope this new job will require less traveling for him than the last one.  

Current state of unpacking:  

Breakfast room - finished
Kitchen - finished
Den - one large box
Entry - finished, though I have to clean off a roll-top desk 
Living Room -finished
Dining Room - several picture boxes, a tiny bit at the bottom of one large box, and a medium-sized box that says "living room games" ... so who knows WHAT'S in it!!  Then I need to take the pictures to where they will be hung and hang them
Sunroom -finished
Bedroom - finished
Both bathrooms - finished
Daughter's bedroom- finished except for some books that have to be packed back up because they were moved here accidentally
Daughter's bathroom - finished

Shed - Finished
Pool house - mostly finishedMy study - DISASTER
Hallway outside of study - DISASTER
Guest bathroom - finished
Study bathroom - finished 
Room that will be turned into a large closet - DISASTER!

I can't even talk about the basement!  But, as you can see, this is a lot of progress.  I think I only have 90 days to file a claim, so I actually need to get the basement unpacked before the end of August.  I have no idea how that's going to happen.  I'm hoping my husband will let me fly my former housekeeper up,to help me.  She wants to come and Southwest is having some great deals right now.  It's an idea, anyway.  

Speaking of Southwest, I have booked a flight to go to Tennessee for my mother's 91st birthday and to see my friend and my kids.  And also get a thorough set of Prolotherapy injections.  How I'm going to stay that long at my mother's I don't know.  I hope my kids will come down and hang out with me some while I'm there.  My son's birthday is tomorrow, and I'm missing both of them pretty badly right now.  

I sat outside under my pergola today and got pretty pumped u about cleaning it up.  The previous family left a pressure washer in the shed, so I'm planning on using it to clean all of the wood and to blast clean the concrete and bricks that form the floor.  I'm also planning on just shooting it up into the wisteria a lot to try to get down as much dead debris as I can. Then, the plan is to buy screen or screen cloth and tack it up on the ceiling of the pergola to catch the debris and keep it off my furniture.  I found a blog that says to use Clorox cleanup to clean porch cushions.  She showed some she had done and it was truly remarkable so I figure it can handle everything I've got.  

I made an appointment with a general practitioner for Monday.  Office is about a mile or two away.  And I called the functional medicine doctor to set up an appointment.  They emailed me a pack for me to fill out and email back and then they will set up the appointment.  So pushing that ball ahead little bit by little bit!

Working today wore me out, so I'm not going to set an alarm, I'm just going to sleep till I wake up.  Yum!  

Good night!

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