Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Day 331 - Trying to Get to Bed Early

Dear Reader, 

It's 11:42 pm, yet I say I'm trying to get to bed early!  Nevertheless, I am really tired again, which is a good thing.  I should be tired and able to go to sleep!  I was able to sleep last night without a Xanax which was also a good thing.  

The morning began at 9:00 with people hammering on the exterior of the house to install some IT lines and my dogs just went crazy!  It took a while for me to go ahead and get up, though, because I was so sound asleep when it started.  Happily, I noticed that I wasn't swollen and my stomach and abdomen were flat! That was encouraging.  Men were all through the house today, working.  Some were painters, one was a locksmith, and several,others were with the college.  It was a madhouse!  Tomorrow starts at 8:00 with someone going into the attic to work on internet connections.  YUCK!

I'm still not feeling well.  I started overheating badly at one point, and then five more men,  one of whom is really loud, came in and I started feeling feverish and having chills.  So I'm still pretty sure it's my immune system being a problem.  I had a smoothie,for breakfast and got really sick afterwards and pretty much stayed sick at my stomach all day.  Even now.  I was able to eat a salad for lunch, but wasn't able to eat dinner.  

I called the functional,health doctor to check on my insurance situation.  She said that they called and the plan I have does not let you go out of network AT ALL!  They won't pay anything if you do.  So, I'm supposed to see a counselor tomorrow and I wante to talk to them about it because I didn't want to,get hit with a big bill.  But they called in to be sure and were told that, yes, I could go out of network.  It was a separate $500 deductible, but then they paid half of each session, which is pretty much standard practice.  So I have to call the doctor again tomorrow and see what's up.  

The vet called today about me sheltie. It looks like she has Cushing's Disease.  This is when they produce too much cortisone and cortisone.  Her corticosteroid levels were about ten times the highest normal.  I'm supposed to catch her morning urine tomorrow!  Yeah, right!  I'm supposed to sneak up while she's peeing and try to catch her stream.  Sure.  No problem.  

I'm reading the book "Unbroken" and it is so tremendous.  After he returns from the war, he is just ruined.  He was tortured so much by an insane Japanese official for so long, and he had nightmares constantly of the man attacking him brutally.  He became an alcoholic and was sustained only by his plan to go back to Japan, find this officer and murder him ... slowly.  There was a huge manhunt for this man, but they couldn't catch him.  And then... BILLY GRAHAM comes to town!  His wife goes to hear him and has a remarkable spiritual experience.  She begins asking, cajoling, threatening, and lying to her husband to get him to come.  He did, but rushed out when the invitation started.  He went again the next night with his wife with the agreement that they would leave as soon as the invitation started ... but he couldn't, and he wound up being SAVED!  He was immediately set free from the nightmares, the rage, the murderous intentions, the flashbacks, the hatred, and the alcohol.  Even the cigarettes!  Wow! You just don't come across that in secular books.  I was told that he died last week.  I hope he got a heros's send-off.  

I found my sheets tonight.  In the bottom of a tall box that is marked, "Master Bathroom, Glass Decor."  Aaargh!



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