Friday, July 11, 2014

Day 329 - A Nice, But Low-Energy Day

Dear Reader, 

I woke up at 11:00 this morning.  My fitbit says I slept 9 hours and 23 minutes.  So, though I was rested, I had no energy at all.  Rather than try to fight it all day, I decided to just accept it and roll with it instead of fighting myself to artificially produce energy.  So, I put on a pretty dress and did my hair and makeup nice, and even gave myself a pedicure.  I read my bible and had my prayer time early in the day.  I also worked a lot on the Ethan Allen proposal.  I only just now finished it and was ready to send it when I saw that some images I had included were not showing now.  I started to try to fix it, and then saw the time,  of course I had no idea it was 1:00 am.  None at all!  Which brings mento another thing.  I had completely forgotten that my good friend who is coming up Wednesday is an VERY early riser!  As in 5:00 am type of riser!  Maybe she can convert me!  

I successfully caught my doggie's early morning urine this morning.  Yay!  She was not at all happy with me and at first refused to go to the bathroom at all!  

I got online to read up on the welcoming prayer and found a wonderful website called It has some really good stuff on the welcoming prayer and the centering prayer.  They have retreats and all sorts of other things.  One is a nine-month course in which you meet for one weekend a month for nine months in a town about an hour away from where we are.  This contemplative prayer is something I really want to do more.  It used to come pretty naturally to me, but then life tightened it's grip around me and now I've pretty much quit any form of meditation.  Even my prayer time right now is more of a discipline than a longing.  My mind is just too tied up in all of the millions of things I have to do.  I still haven't been to the DMV or even registered my dogs with the city or gotten a New York car inspection done.  Since stress exacerbates my health so badly, I keep having my health slow me down or bring me to a stop. It's hard to have a good prayer time when every where you look you see chaos and things you need to do!  

So, I did a little research and found out why we don't know anything about the Japanese atrocities during WW2.  I had thought that, if I were a conspiracy theorist type of person, I would believe it was a conspiracy!  I mean, how can all of this insanely terrible stuff have been forgotten about!?  At one city, they talked 90,000 Chinese soldiers into surrendering.  They bound them ALL by hand, and then proceeded to SLAUGHTER THEM ALL, taking laughing pictures of themselves with the corpses!  It took weeks for them to kill them all and they were praised for their diligence in Japanese newspapers!  They then proceeded to start raping, torturing and killing many of the citizens of the town.  And there's so much more.  The percentage of POWs they killed is SO MUCH higher than the number that died under the Germans!  Well ... turns out it IS a conspiracy!  And such an awful betrayal of our soldiers by the government.  

Thousands of Japanese prison guards were captured, imprisoned, and tried.  Many received death penalties.  But, the trials were carried on by Americans, and the Japanese deeply disliked this.  S, after a few years of this, China became communist and America wanted to keep Japan a democracy.  So, along about 1957 or something like that, the U.S. Declared an amnesty.  All of those imprisoned were released, even if they had been given life sentences.  Those who were given the death penalty, but had not yet been executed were pardoned and released.  One of these went on to become the prime minister of Japan.  Those who had not yet been caught but were being hunted were suddenly Scott-free.  The whole thing was quietly packed up, put away, and forgotten.  And the whole story of the war in the Pacific was erased out of history.  Makes my heart just break for these men and their families.  

Oh, before I get off let me tell you about something surprising today.  I woke up with no discernible swelling, AND STAYED THAT WAY for most of the day! That is a first!!  It was wonderful and it felt so, so good!  I swelled a little after lunch, and then I swelled a lot after dinner.  This is making me wonder if I am allergic to caffeine or to artificial sweeteners.  I had water with tea drops in it at lunch, and then I had a coke zero at dinner.  For breakfast I had an English muffin, vanilla yogurt, and fresh blueberries.  No coffee or tea.  And I didn't swell at all!

Well, that's it for tonight.  I hope I have some energy tomorrow because I really need to do some more unpacking and get some laundry washed.  And sweeping!  Still can't find my vacuum, and fighting the fur is a constant problem!

Have a great Saturday!


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