Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 325 - Aaargh!

Dear Reader,

I am sooooo annoyed!  I called the office of that functional medicine doctor and found out I couldn't get in to see her for a YEAR.  I told my mom and she suggested that I write her.  I decided that it couldn't hurt, and so I sat down and was writing her a letter explaining all my medical issues, hoping to pique her interest so she would want to see me.  I was almost through when I could not remember the name of the blood chemical that I might be deficient in that could be the cause of the high mercury levels.  So I opened another tab to check the name, and when I went back, my entire letter was gone.  Aaaaargh!!  I should have copied it before I opened another tab, but I didn't think of it.  Darn it.  So that will have to wait until tomorrow. 

My husband told me before we went to bed last night that our college enrollment is down pretty significantly.  He was anxious about it and that got me anxious.  So I couldn't get sleepy.  When I decided to make a go of it, I took a whole Xanax instead of a half of one.  Well ... you know how the light alarm woke me up yesterday within about twenty minutes yesterday?  Didn't exactly happen today!  I woke up AN HOUR AND TWENTY MINUTES after it went off.  That is NOT the way to wake up to a day.  Especially when you're trying to get hold of your life!

I realized last night that one of the many things I need to stop doing in bed is shopping.  My internet connection in the bedroom is very poor and so it takes forever for each page to load.  But ... having said that, can I remark upon the fact that Mario Badesco has FIFTEEN DIFFERENT SKIN CLEANSERS???  How am I supposed to decide which one to buy if I don't properly research all of them???  A slow internet is just part of the price I have to pay!  

Speaking of shopping in bed ... I found the most gorgeous ironing board cover last night after searching for longer than I care to say.  But trust me, it was TOO long!  I hadn't looked at my ironing board for a long  and glorious time, so when I got it out and set in its holder, I saw that the cover was in really bed shape.  If I'm going to be doing the ironing, I at least want a pretty ironing board cover.  And look at this Cath Kidston I found:
I don't think it will make ironing pleasurable, but it should make it a little less awful.  Especially with my right shoulder messed up ... it is definitely hard and painful to iron.  

My decorator and I are working a out a lot of things for the final decisions on the house.  I think were almost there.  I had to spend a pretty long time today working on our last email, but I can't tell you how wonderful I think it's going to look.  

My friend comes in tomorrow!  I'm so excited!  I'm torn, though, because it know she has so graciously decided to come and help me unpack, but I also want us to just knock around and go to antique stores, and shopping in the city, etc!  I am going to have to drive in to LaGuardia tomorrow by myself to get her!  Why won't Siri always talk when giving you directions!?  That is a big problem! I'm going to try to see if I can figure it out ... tonight, of course.  



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