Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 332 - Short and Sweet ...

... because I'm exhausted! 

Dear Reader,

I did let myself sleep till I woke up which was after 9:00. I felt some better and decided to sweep and mop the room the painters worked in yesterday, arrange neatly the remaining boxes in the room they were going to work in today, and take care of a lot of empty boxes.  I decided to do,this first thing so it would be finished and ready for them when they got here.  But for some reason my body temperature went crazy and I was incredibly hot and sweating so badly that my jeans were wet.  I kept having waves of feverish chills despite how hot I was.  I decided I was going to have to go upstairs to bathe and lay down because I was just miserable. But then the person from the physical plant arrived with two people to handle measuring windows and putting up blinds.  They were very nice, but very garrulous even though they knew  I didn't feel well.  After a while I said I had to go to bed and did som though I was unable to sleep.  

I got up in time to get ready and take my sheltiw to the vet.  Loved my new vet.  A little older than me and she seemed so sharp!  She's doing blood work and putting my dog on a very strict diet food and plan by Purina,  She said she wanted to get at least ten pounds off of her bad that should help her back legs a lot.  

I went to the store to get my Western Union refund.  It was a different girl, but she didn't know how to do it either!  I was there FOREVER getting that taken care of.  

I'm super tired and ready to go to bed now.  I'm supposed to catch my Sheltie's urine tomorrow.  Right! That's going to happen.  I came close to my goal with my fitbit. I still have a LOT to unpack, and I haven't even started in my study!

That's it for tonight.  Sleep well!


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