Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 330 - Crazy Day!

Dear Reader,

Today got off to an interesting start because I was supposed to catch my sheltie's morning urine! Fun times!  To do,this, I decided to use one of my things that you carry with you to give your dog water while you walk or travel.  It's long and narrow, and I decided to slip it under her once she go to going.  When I let them outside, there were two men in the back yard for some reason.  I made them come inside, which was surprisingly hard to get them to understand.  Then I saw some guy who was here with a crew to paint the fence picking up a big branch and breaking it into pieces and tossing it over into the next door neighbor's yard!  I told him not to do that.  Stella started to pee and I put the trough-like-ting under her to catch it.  You should have seen the outraged look she gave me!  Right then, though, some other man comes around the corner and startled her and me, causing me to spill some of the urine. . I told the guy to go back out of sight and started following her around, even though she was eyeing me very suspiciously.  Right then, four more men came walking around the other corner, causing the dogs to just go crazy!  I think I got two tablespoons of urine ... maybe.  So I get to do it all over again tomorrow.  It's just a great way to start off your morning!  

Then I went to the Ethan Allen store to see what the decorator had come up with.  And let me tell you, it is classy and fabulous!  She really listened to me and put together something very, very chic and warm and inviting and youthful and romantic with just a touch of southern and a touch of shabby chic.  She prepared choices for the living room and the dining room, including two custom-made rugs and including a new rug to go up the stairs, a glorious chandelier and matching sconces for the dining room, two crazy wonderful lamps for the living room and one standing lamp, and a very, very cool looking "stripped-down" chandelier for the living room.  Wallpaper, shutters, blinds, draperies, mirrors, etc.  Gorgeous!  Sharp!  Crisp!  Happy!  And only around $75,000!  (WHAT!?!?!?). I didn't freak out, but I came close.  I told my husband all about it this evening and showed him mock-ups and pictures.  He was less disturbed by the price than me, but was very disturbed that it will take 2-3 months to get it all in.  He's going to talk to his Chief Operating Officer tomorrow about it.  We've had the fence installed already, and are getting the interior of the house painted, so he needs to find out where we are expense wise with the house already.  But, I tell you ... I wanted something that would not intimidate our low-income students and was not ostentatious, did not represent who we are, etc.  Well ... no one could walk into this house without feeling happy!  And welcomed!  It's all just so friendly.  

So, well see what happens with all this.  But I'm starting to see it pull together and it will be just beautiful ... if we decide to go with it.  One place where I can save some money, though, is on lamps!!  I'm sure the two table lamps were a minimum of $500 each and the floor lamp was $999.  I'm sure I can do better than that.  Anyway ... moving on.  

My insurance does work for out-of-network doctors, so I don't know what to think about the doctor who told me it didn't.  I mean, if she got this wrong, how good of a doctor could she be?  Or is that unreasonable?  Maybe she just got hold of someone at the insurance company who confused her.  I've got to look at this all over again before I make an appointment.  

I did drive out to see the counselor I decided to try.  I liked her a lot and the drive is beautiful.  I wanted someone who is not right around here

I only had an English muffin before I left the house and didn't get a chance to eat again until I got back home after 5:00. So, you'll be pleased to know that, although I was quite hungry and feeling very stressed, all I ate was AN ENTIRE BAG OF POTATO CHIPS!  So ... well done, Lisa!  

Tomorrow's a new day.  I'm going to have workers in my house for months, so I'd better get used to it.  I don't have anything scheduled for tomorrow, but I think I'm going to have to get in to see the chiropractor, try to catch Stella's urine and take it to the vet, and maybe take my Jack Russell to the vet, too.  She has bitten a place on her foot so much that it's made an ugly looking growth.  Seems like she's done this before, but I don't remember what the vet did.  

Have a great day tomorrow.  Oh, one other thing.  In researching the possibility of my dog having Cushing's disease, I am now wondering if I do, too.  I've got to find my notebook that has all my tests in it and see if he's tested me for this in the past.  



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