Monday, July 28, 2014

Day 312 - How Did It Get to Be Midnight???

Dear Reader,  

I'm up to my usual tricks ... working in bed.  I was going to wash my hair, but I guess that will have to wait until tomorrow morning. Unless I can pull off a third day by putting my hair in a bun.  Hmmm ... 

Today was spent almost entirely in trying to get a driver's license and my car registered in New York.  Guess what you have to have to get a car registered if you have a lien on it?  You have to geta certified   copy of the title (we can't find my title anywhere) and you have to have a letter from the lien holder saying that they hold the lien, yada yada, and that they know you have taken the car to New York!  Crazy!  And to get a license, you have to have your social security card!  Maybe that is normal, but it's causing some problems for me.  I keep my card in my desk because I change purses and wallets all the time and I don't want to lose it.  But ... my desk is still packed up!  So,I have to take on my study far before I'm ready! I found a bunch of boxes for the hallway armoire in my study, and a bunch of book boxes, but I haven't seen anything for my desk contents.  I have found that they seem to have lost parts of my stained glass lamp as they have for one of my husband's mica lamps.  

My shoulder hurt me so badly last night, that I couldn't sleep.  And typing this is making my bicep hurt like crazy so I'm pecking with my left hand now.  

I called the doctor nearby, but had to leave a message.  This evening I looked for a regular doctor and decided on one very close.  I'll call them tomorrow.  I HAVE to go to the chiropractor tomorrow!!!

So that's it for tonight.  Except that I'm chewing my nails off even as I write this.  The nail polish chipped on a couple of them and that was all it took!  Rats.  


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