Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 334 - Got an Extra Day With My Girl!

Dear Reader, 

Well ... we had a great visit with our daughter.  Very strange to have her come for a "visit" though!  But, we did at least get an extra day. Saturday, we were having lunch at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and she called to confirm her return flight.  But, a recording told her that she could not confirm for a flight that was past.  We had some confusion regarding the confirmation number and wondered if there was supposed to be a separate confirmation. Umber for the return flight.  So, I called Southwest customer service to find out what was going on.  While I was on hold, I kept looking at her flight information in my notes on my iPhone.  It slowly dawned on me that it said spher return flight was on July 5th.  It finally broke through my consciousness that this was July 5th!  Right then the operator got on and I told her what had happened.She said that we had not called to cancel her flight, so we could not get reimbursed or credited and just had to buy a new ticket for the next day for $369.  Gulp!  She nearly had a panic attack.  After I finished getting her a new reservation, I asked to speak to the supervisor.  The end of the story was that they credited our payment for her return flight to the new flight, and we only hadn't pay the difference, $170.  Whew!  We had planned an expensive meal that evening, so we changed plans and made hotdogs, and that evened out the extra we paid for her extra day.  My husband is making a by good salary, but $369 is nothing to be sneezed at!

S, she got home safely today.  We didn't know how long it would take us to get there, so we left pretty early to be sue we were on time.  This resulted in her having a two hour wait before her flight took off!  

Since we were up and out, and I even had makeu on and my hair fixed, we decided to visit a church nearby.  It was pretty much a cookie cutter church.  Meets at a hotel, everything was exactly like the church we used to go to, except the sermon.  For a wonder, he is tachng from the Old Testament.  In fact, he is teaching THROUGH the Old Testament and is even having his church memorize the books of the Old Testament.  It's been a long time since I heard anyone do any teaching from the pulpit.  So, it was okay, but I don't think well be returning.  It was very racially mixed, which we early liked.  And it was mostly middle to lower class people, whch we also liked.  But other than that, it was pretty boring.  It is also clearly one of those churches where we would not be able to teach, so ... moving on.  

Tomorrow I am going to try to do an overall house-cleaning like I did last Monday.  I'm wondering if my energy level will be any better the time?  It won't be as hard as last week because I will only be dealing with a week of dirt, instead of a month.  

I'm trying a new tactic for unpacking.  I have a box in the bedroom, dining room, family room, and breakfast room that I am working through.  Each time I go into the room, I unpack one item.  Keeping it fresh!

They delivered the new washer and dryer today.  I researched that quite a lot and am happy with my choices.  But I had it checked on the size of the washer and dryer.  These are standard width, but they come out about eight inches further, which is going to make a pretty tight squeeze in the washroom.  This is, incidentally, the best wash room I've ever had.   

I've been reading a book called Habit Stacking.  It's basically just about forming routines and adding in small habits that will improve your life.  Im going to try it tomorrow. I'll let you know how it works out.  I hope I don't tense up as I try to go to sleep.  

I did some more looking for a functional medicine doctor in the area.  There's one nearby and I will call them tomorrow to see if they take insurance, unlike the doctor I have made an appointment to see.  I also found a vet.  I was going to use a spa that gets super high ratings that's very near me ... but then I checked their prices!  A hair cut alone is $100!  I've got to find someone and get an appointment for this week because my roots are almost an inch long.  

I haven't gotten the hard copy Xanax prescription yet either.  I'll have to call tomorrow and see if that's been taken care of.  

Tomorrow I gong to try to take a fifteen-minute "constitutional" after lunch.  I read about this in a health book last year.  For my sort of person, the doctor recommended a short walk after all three meals.  I'm going to start with just trying to get in one.  

My husband wrote me the sweetest poem today.  I told him, as we were preparing to head to church and were walking into a Starbucks to get some coffee, that it was like when we were teenagers again.  Just him and me!  It's really nice to have the bulk of the actively parenting years behind us and to be starting something so gloriously new at the same time.  

Have a wonderful week!


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