Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 339 - a Fun Day Mother/Daughter Shopping!

Dear Reader, 

Darn.  I was just about to go to sleep when I remembered I hadn't checked in.  

My daughter and I went shopping at a beautiful mall in a large city nearby and had a great time.  We then came home and went out to eat at an amazing restaurant in a neighboring village.  She said that this area has all kinds of surprises.  Her only image of New York was Manhattan and, more specifically, Times Square!  So beautiful homes, rolling vistas, and adorable Main Street cafés were a surprise for her.  Plus, the weather is cooperating and has been wonderful!

Tomorrow we are going to go,to,the zoo in the Bronx. Really looking forward to that.  

My son reports that he is feeling a little better today, thankfully.  

Im very swollen right now.  I just got very saucy with a post from someone on Facebook who I don't know being ridiculous about the Supreme Court's ruling about Hobby Lobby!  I told them that, if they wanted to throw a fit, at least throw a more intelligent one!  And a little crossing of swords with another commenter but I wrote him off as being a ... what's the word?  Can't think of it.  I will substitute "churlish oaf" for,the really cool word I was going to use!  

What did I do for my health today?  A couple of,things.  I called the pharmacy to refill a couple of prescriptions and learned that my Tennessee doctor can mail me a hard copy of my Rx for Xanax for it to be filled.  So, I called and talked to the main person there and she's going to take care of,it for me.  

I ate a pretty healthy dinner and did not eat the gluten-free chocolate chip cookies I have at home when the idea crossed my mind.  And I got about 8 pieces of china unwrapped. Can I get a whoot-whoot?!

So, that's it for me. 


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