Thursday, November 6, 2014

Day 224 - Please Work!

Dear Reader,

I haven't been able to post anything for a few days because of some piece of technology screwing around.  I'll be very brief because it's quite late and I don't want to write a bunch again, only to not be able to post it.  

First off.  Big news, I finally got an MRI!!  Yea!  There was confusion and problems all the way through the morning of it, but it did finally actually get done.  I have an appointment with the doctor next week to find out what's up.   

My daughter and I went into Manhattan today to have lunch with my nephew.  She's virtually never even been around him because of an ugly divorce that went down and we lost contact with both children for a long time because of their evil mother.  I've been able to build a relationship with them because of Facebook.  So suck on that evil ex-sister-in-law!  We had a really good visit.  He thinks his dad has gotten pretty crazy too and has had to tell him that they cannot talk ant politics anymore.  Smart guy.  He took us to a great Brazilian restaurant that we really liked.  

Then my daughter and I walked around all of these wonderful shopping stalls they have set u all over Bryant Park.  I found a black cloche!  I've been looking for a hat that would not give me hat-head when I took it off, or fill my hair with static electricity.  I've been looking for three years!  And found a perfect one at a great price.  My daughter likes that she knows a section of Manhattan now.  At one point I said, "isn't this great!  Aren't you glad you're here?"  She said, yes, but don't push it!



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