Saturday, November 15, 2014

Day 218 - First Dinner in Our New Home

Dear Friend,

Well, I unfortunately opened a youtube email that had something about nancy pelvis never making the front cover of Time, or Newsweek or so,etching.  Who cares.  BUT ... it also hd a link to a mysterious creature found off the coast of Florida which led to a mysterious creature seen in Holland, which led to the two surfers surfing over a great white shark, which led to the 13-foot tiger shark off the coast of Haliewa, Hawaii(we used to go there so I had to watch it), which led to a Japanese version of a "megloadon" sighting in the Mariana's Trench, which led to a cat trying to get her mate to come back to life after being hit by a car, which led to a cat chasing off an alligator, which led to the 26-foot great white shark suddenly appearing by a boat occupied by young men who only had two adjectives in their vocabulary: "big" and "fucking", which led to a 12 minute video about the video of the strange creature seen in Holland!  In other words ... I must never get on youtube late at night.  It is a black hole!

The dinner party went very well.  The girls seemed to have a good time and I got a lot of hugs when they left.  The food was delicious, and the caterer used the corn gluten-free pasta I had recommended and agreed that it was much better than the brown rice kind.  The cleaners came at 10:00 this morning and other people came around 2:30 to set everything up.  So, the house is looking really clean now.

It looks like the last two sconces will be in on Mondayive got way too much stuff on the shelves in the sunroom.  I may just carry a bunch upstairs until the other rooms get delivered and I can disperse them as they should be.

The game is tomorrow at 1:00. Depending on the weather, I may not stay for the whole thing. I really,mreLly, REALLY want to get my white desk cleaned off badly?

I am feeling almost encouraged this evening.  My study would only take about three days of focused work to finish it.  Our son's room could probably be done in four days of focused work.  The library would probably take me one day, since most of the work to be done in there is my husband's.  The garage would only take one day.  The pool house would probably take one day.  Straightening the shed back out would take one day.  The dressing room is pretty much finished.  The basement, however ... two to three weeks would be needed!

In the meantime, I have to get the he's decorated for this Thanksgiving luncheon.  Were going to have the most unusual Thanksgiving day ever.  We will be spending it in a building across from Macy's watching the parade and then eating dinner at a nice restaurant in town.  My first Thanksgiving without having to cook for,years and years!

Tomorrow is the 41st anniversary of our first date!


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