Monday, November 10, 2014

Day 223 - Stairs are Recovered Finally!

Dear Companion.

Does it seem to you that I mostly complain?  I wonder if it's because I always right this the last thing of the day when I'm tired.  Plus, I always write this after I have written out tomorrow's to-do list which is always impossible and leaves me discouraged.  Maybe that's not the best time to go over your day!  I look back and I didn't get enough done, I look forward and I know I'm not going to be able to get enough done.  And that's just with doing the laundry, the dishes, keeping the house picked up, trying to make the bed, keep the bathrooms cleaned, etc. etc.  I am doing soooooooo much more housework than I was and it's being really hard physically on me.  Today I had to get three rooms of the downstairs cleaned up because of a meeting that was going to take place.  I swept and mopped, etc. etc.  and it completely wore me out.  Completely.  Havingt the a cleaning company come in once a week is keeping my head above water, but that's no help,with maintaining the house on a daily basis.  My health has deteriorated during the last seven years when I had a full-time housekeeper.  Now I don't have that service at all ... and I am just not in good enough health to do all of this now.  I don't know what the answer is, but the is taking a toll on me.  I don't even have a spare second to write or even THINK about exercising.  Maybe things will get better when I'm completely unpacked and all of the decorating is done.  When we moved into the last house, the house was completely ready and I had a very strong he's keeper who completely unpacked for me and out things away.  I didn't want her doing that ... she was just bullheaded and did it anyway because she said the boxes were in her way!  Now I look back at what was very frustrating with great fondness.

I did get one major thing taken care of today.  I have gotten into the company that does your grocery-shopping for you and delivers it to your home.  Almost all of the prices were the same as in the stores, and the delivery fee is only $6.99.  It took a LONG time to get my order ready, having to go in and select vegetables, then bell peppers, then red bell peppers, then four of them and then put them in my cart!  But I'll be able,to keep using this list and just refine it.  WE'RE ACTUALLY GOING TO HAVE FOOD IN THE HOUSE!!!  It's so exciting.  Rats.  I just remembered I forgt to get soups for my husband!

I see my doctor tomorrow so should learn what's going on with my shoulder.  I imagine physical therapy is next which will drastically cut down on having time to stay on top of the house and laundry,

I got up early this morning to have things ready for some workers who were coming today.  By early I mean 8:00.  I didn't feel great p, but not nearly as bad as I'm used to feeling.  I did have to go sit down and sleep for a while after I got the main stuff done.  The stairs are re-carpeted now!!  They look BEAUTIFUL,  I'm gong to have to keep the dogs off of them, though, because someone has been peeing on them!  I've got two tension pet barriers somewhere that have a gate to walk through.  I need to find those and get them set up.

By January, I'm going to be doing yoga or jazzercise five days a week.  I'm not going to let the house trump my health anymore past that date,  I wonder if there is anyway at all I can get everything unpacked and things organized by then.  Hey, here's an idea!  You could come help me!


Oh, I finally got up the nerve to read the bid from the designers to help me do the family rooms of the house.  Well ... that's not going to happen!  And, our Thanksgiving luncheon invitations are getting a really good response.  More than 200 RSVPs already!  That's very exciting.

And, I am going to have to give three December events, which is am not happy about.  But at least they are pretty small.  One is a fancy champagne cocktail party, one is faculty and staff leaders, and one is student government officers.  So ... Not too bad.  And the staff here are way, WAY better at handling these sorts of things so I actually have some good help.

I need to get out winter clothes from the basement in the next few days.  It's supposed to be snowing next week.

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