Saturday, November 29, 2014

Day 205 - Really Tired Today

Dear Friend,

It wasn't a great day, but it wasn't a bad one either.  I stayed up much later than I meant to trying to finalize picking out light fixtures.  I've been working on this for weeks!  I think I'm very close to having it narrowed down now.  I set my alarm for 10 but it didn't go off.  I woke up about 10:15, though, so that's good.  I didn't get a prayer time in, I'm sorry to say.  I spent some real time figuring out my choices and organizing them for each room.  Then I cleaned the kitchen which just wore me out.  I actually had to go back to bed for a while.  My husband told me this evening he's really worried about me, that I'm functioning at 1/4 of my usual capacity.

Stress makes dysautonomia worse.  If I can ever get the house finished and unpacked, I think things will really get easier and I'll start to get better.  I've got to lower my standards in the meals I serve.  I always want everything fresh and green and colorful and extra little nice things.  I'm going to have to back off on that at least until I'm unpacked and the house is finished.  Now that I can eat bison, that makes simple things like spaghetti more palatable.  But I can't have corn pasta anymore, so that's going to be a bit more of a challenge.

Anyway, inlaid back down for a while this afternoon.  And then we went out to eat at a new taco place and forgot that I can't have corn tortillas anymore.  Had 'me anyway with fish tacos and they were really good.  If I can't have corn tortillas or flour tortillas, though ... my mainstay of Mexican food is kind of out of my life.

I looked up the jazzercise center and understand where it is now and how to get there.  Maybe fifteen minutes away.  And I spent some time looking through an allergy cookbook and getting some ideas.

We watched a movie tonight together, and then my daughter and I watched Into the Storm about the tornados,  I did laundry and folded clothes and am now actually close to being caught up on the house!

My husband and I are visiting another church tomorrow about 25 minutes away.  Please, Lord!  We need a church really badly.


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