Saturday, November 8, 2014

Day 222 -

Dear Reader,

Well, I woke up really well again this morning.  Not groggy.  Able to get right out of bed.  Only problem was that it was 12:20 in the afternoon when I woke up!  Kind of hard to get much done when you wake up in the afternoon.

I found some good stuff last night that really encouraged me to find a dysautonomia specialist quickly.  It turns out that there is a form of this in which your immune system mistakes a chemical messenger sent out from one of your nerve systems as an attacker, so it makes a bunch of antibodies to attack this messenger and in so doing, the antibodies plug up the receptors for this chemical messenger.  So, one part of my nervous system is not communicating with the other part of my nervous system.  Maybe this is why??  And tests show that my umber of antibodies is completely off the charts!  Far more than just food allergies would account for.  So, what if they are because my body is attacking this chemical messenger?  There is a medicine that unplugs the receptors so that these chemical messengers get read again.  Wouldn't that be great if it were as easy as that?  Reading all of these things makes me able to imagine what life would be like if I got better!

My husband went to a game today and was really tired when he got home.  Our daughter was in his study using the computer, so he took a long nap in the den.  I had planned on cleaning in the den, so that didn't happen.

I didn't get much done today, anyway, because Epwestern (wow!  How did spellcheck come up with that word?  I don't even know what that means!) we left the house around 5:30 to go eat and see a movie.  We saw Interstellar and it was pretty good. Definitely not a waste of time.  But our daughter was cranky afterwards and arguing about every little thing.  In the car I said that I though in re-introducing the two cats we could take them into a neutral room ... and she interrupted me sharply saying I said you weren't supposed to just let them into a room.  I started to clarify and she interrupted me again saying "that's what the internet said!"  I tried again to explain and she cut me off very sharply saying, "I don't want to talk about it, Mom!"  Wow!!  After a minute I said, "the internet says not to just put them in a room and let them work it out.  What I am saying is we could take them into a neutral room and there give them each some kind of wonderful treat to eat.  Then take them out again.  Keep doing this daily until they associate being in each other's presence as meaning that something good was going to happen."  I got a grunt out of her.  I'm sure this is very hard on her.  She's left her boyfriend, her brother, her apartment, her friends, her town ... and is now just in a bedroom in her parents' home.  I'm sure that is very hard. At dinner I asked her how her portfolio book was coming along and she told me about it.  I told her that she is smart and talented and has an extremely good work ethic, so someone will be lucky to get her.  So I did not deserve this crankiness!  I imagine this arrangement is going to be difficult until she gets a job.  Please, Lord!

We are trying out a mega church in Manhattan tomorrow.  Possibly a waste of time, but well see.  Pretty frustrating.

My big toe is looking a mess today and hurting pretty bad.  The color is definitely off in it from not getting good blood flow.  What a bother!

I feel like I need to let my body sleep tonight as much as it needs to tonight.  But I don't want to lose that much time again!  I'll just kind of play it by ear as the night goes on.


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