Friday, November 21, 2014

Day 212 - Great Doctor's Appointment!

Dear Friend, 
well, first off let me just say how glad I am that I did not go to the game!  It was bitter cold and my husband says I would not have been able to handle it at all.  He said something about the bleachers that I didn't quite catch, but he said he wound up standing almost the entire entire time, which wouldn't have worked at all.  He ran into terrible traffic coming home and was really tired when he got here, but he got here safely.  

I saw my doctor and got my prescription for Klonopin.  Thank goodness, because today's was my last dose.  With anxiety nipping at my heels so much, I'm glad I didn't have to go two days without it altogether.  

But more importantly, she is referring me to that neurological disorders clinic in Manhattan.  She also went over my food allergy tests, the one I told you abut that showed 52 things, and another one that tests a different response by the blood when exposed to something.  If I understand right, the first one examines what a white blood cell does when it is exposed to some substance.  Does it swell, does it change in someway, etc.  the other tests if you actually produce IgG then exposed to something.  Bear in mind that I don't really know what I'm talking about here!  Anyway, she showed me how the two tests completely contradicted each other on a whole lot of foods.  And then she asked me to go through and mark the foods that I don't actually eat.  And a ton of the foods I test as being very allergic to are foods I don't ever eat at all!  So he can I be allergic to it?  She said that she thinks i do stool have a leaky gut.  Lemons and onions are both shown as being allergens, and she said those two things almost always mean a leaky gut because they break down tiny in digestion and so, if your villi are loose, these particles easily slip through and your body recognizes them as "stranger danger" and forms antibodies to attack them.  So, the goal is to help the gut heal, which will cause the villi to tighten back up and not let food particles out into the body.  So, she put me on some maximally heavy-duty probiotic and L-Glutamine ... I don't remember what that does.  Let me see if I can find that real quick.  Hmmm well, bunches of stuff.  Anyway, the third one was really interesting because it is digestive enzymes.  I'm supposed to take two or three with each meal and what it does is it enables yr body to digest the foods down to eensy-weensy (sorry for the technical, medical jargon!) pieces so that, even if they get out of the gut, will be so small that your body won't pick up on it and make antibodies and all of that.  I forgot to ask, but I think this protocol goes on for about six months.

So, after looking through all the tests,,she said I can kiss dairy goodbye for the rest of my life.  It just isn't coming back, period.  I react too strongly to all of its components in every test.  I can't remember what she said about eggs, but she said there is a faint possibility that I might be able to reintroduce wheat at some point.  Slim to no chance ... but still, a possibility.  So, for now, I am to completely eliminate all dairy, all grains including oats, corn, turkey ... and I can't remember the rest.  But it was easily doable.  I'm also scheduled to see their nutritionist next week.  

We talked abut the saline IVs , and those are easily doable.  No problem.  I read some more about it as a treatment for dysautonomia and I found A LOT of stuff about using it to treat hypovolemia, the loss of blood volume.  Down in Australia, though, they won't let you get it unless you are pretty much unconscious and have to go to the ER, and then they charge you $350 for a one-liter bag of salt water! I know this because I came across a blog by a woman down there who has an extremely funny, dark humor about dealing with dysautnomia.  She captured so well the frustration of one day being fine, and the next day being barely able to function.  She has two teenage sons and she said of them that each day she spins the personality wheel hoping it lands on just "sullen" and not on "spawn of Satan"!  It made me laugh so hard.  

I called my former doctor's office this morning to be sure they had faxed over the information they were supposed to since they hadn't sent it when I last went in.  They told me they sent it on November 6, but the doctor didn't have it.  I had hoped to go over the cortisol test, but we spent a much time on the allergies that there really wasn't times. But I asked the girls in the office about it.  They are very sweet Korean girls, but none of them have any medical training and not much office training either.  Because the office manager pulled out a big stack of papers and started going through it and finally found my test results at the bottom!  Oh, boy.  That's not good!

Well, that's it for me tonight,  I hope you have a great weekend.  I plan to lock myself in my study and not let myself out until it is finished!!


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