Monday, November 17, 2014

Day 216 - A No-Blood-Pressure Kind of Day

Dear Friend,

I just never could get my blood pressure going even though I drank saltwater during the night and in the morning.  There were workers here I had to deal with, and I know I looked like death.  Then I told them I HAD to go back to bed, and I barely made it.  It's just the weirdest feeling.  I tried staying sitting upright in bed, but couldn't get to feeling any better at all and had to lay down flat.  After about thirty minutes of that, I was able to get up and dressed and do some things, but never got to feeling ...


I just lost a fair amount of things I'd written.  Nothing important.  Just decided to check if the hospital in the nearby layered city had a autonomic nervous system disorders department, and they don't.  So I started to check in nyc and fund that New York-Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell is considered the best hospital there and is ranked #2 in neurology.  So, I guess I'll be contacting them to get in.  

I'm pretty excite about my theory of what's going on.  If my immune system has decided that neural transmitter enzymes are enemies, that would explain my sky-high levels of antibodies in my blood.  It could also explain the dysautonomoa because the antibodies plug the receptors for the neural transmitters, and it could explain the kidney problems because the antibodies made to combat the neural transmitters are plugging the glomeruli in the kidneys and killing them causing the kidney disease.  Gee, I LIKE neat packages!  Wouldn't it be nice if that was right.  And I'm actually not over-reaching here.  I've been the one to rightly diagnose a lot of things that had my doctors stumped.  It would explain why I can't get my CRP levels of inflammation down no matter how careful I am with staying away from foods, etc.  because these neural transmitters are always being produced.  So, if my immune system is targeting my neural transmitters, I guess that would mean I have an auto-immune disorder.  Bummer.  

I'm going to call tomorrow and see if there is any chance I can get my MRI moved up.  Sometimes I move my arm wrong and, I want to tell you, were talking about agny of a kind I haven't known before.  Well ... I don't really remember the times when muscle bundles tore off in my cables, but it don't remember those  continuing to be terribly painful.

The wallpaper in the bathroom is GORGEOUS,  All of the blinds are installed in the house and, because of someone's error, not mine, there were two extras so I was able to change out the dark wood ones in my husband's dressing room and bathroom. This is going to look so much better after the trim is painted white and the walls a nice gray.

I was DETERMINED to pick the console table for the vestibule and the chest or table for the foyer today NO MATTER WHAT!   And I have spent soooo much time doing this, not just today, but for a few weeks.  So today I really worked hard on it and i think I do have the two picked out.  But it's late so I'm going to wait until tomorrow to email them in.

Our daughter went into the city today.  Not long after she left it started POURING rain!  She had a miserable time, poor baby!

So ... to HEALTH!  Yours and mine!


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