Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Day 222 - Got the MRI results back

Dear Friend,

I saw the doctor and got my MRI results and, well, they were not what was expected.  They did the wrong area, as I knew they were, but in doing the image of the shoulder, they found that I also have a tear in my rotator cuff.  So, guess whs going to be going back to get more prolotherapy in December when I go to Nashville?  And guess what lucky friend I'll be calling to see if she can take me??

I talked with my doc about a dysautonomia specialist and we talked about Columbia,  she did a quick google search and found that there is apparently a medical group in manhattand and dysautonomia is all they do.  I have to get this figured out quickly and get in before the first of the year.  

I think I can return this ugly ceiling fan.  I checked their specifications and it says that it takes 60 watt bulbs, but it only takes 40 watt.  That and it's just god-awful ugly!

I got my groceries from the grocery delivery group today.  So exciting!!  This man just walks in with a whole bunch of boxes, sets them on my kitchen counter and left.   Heaven!

I'll be giving a dinner on Saturday night to our lady's soccer team which should be fun.  And then the luncheon on the next Wednesday.  Were trying to get the lighting put up before this.  We got the ceiling medallions up today and they are SCRUMPTIOUS!  Ethan Allen delivered the fixtures today. Now, we just need the painter to show up and paint them, and paint the stairwell ceiling also.  The house is going to be soooo much brighter and more cheerful when I'm done with it!  

I got most of the house neatened up today in time for the cleaning company.  I still have several,loads of laundry to do.  I'm still getting caught up from our trip to Texas and our having company.  I hope to have the laundry finished tomorrow, the house neatened, some progress made in our son's room and in the library and a whole bunch of stuff in the back hard out up in the shed to wait out the winter.  I have to order furniture covers for the first time ever before the snows get here.  And it looks like they may be getting started next week

Slowly, slowly.  

I just wish I were getting some exercise in.  Of course, right as I'm about ready to start trying for that, winter is coming and it's getting too cold to go take a simple walk!


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