Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 215 - Much Better Day!

Dear Friends,

Blood plasma and blood pressure are wonderful things, and I woke up with both this morning.  Thank God!  Yesterday was no fun at all!  

Last night I wrote out an extremely detailed to-do list with the resolution that I would follow it to the T.  I'm being too overwhelmed and directionless during the day.  And I thought that,this way, even if I had another bad day, I could have an easily drawn up plan of action.  Good plan, but I planned a BUNCH of phone calls this morning and with placing these calls,and all of the interruptions that occurred, it was probably three hours spent just on this list,  

I made hair appointments for me and my daughter, which I later had to cancel
I got a $500 credit on the mattress and box springs we purchased.
I contacted the seller of the bad ceiling fan and found that they had already credited the amount to me and all they asked was that I donate the bad fan to a charity ... I don't even have to return it!
I called the MRI to see if I could get in earlier, but the answer was no.
Up I found a dermatology clinic and made an appointment to have this lace on my arm removed.
I found a podiatrist and called and left a message to make an appointment,
I called Vanderbilt to see which hospital they recommended here in NYC for the dysautonomia.
I researched the two main candidates some 
I called my doctor to confirm when my appt was. 
And any other number of things.  
Checked with Southwest on our flight schedule and made arrangements to be picked up
Called the prolotherqpy doctor, but wasn't able to get a time that worked for while I was there.  I found one in nyc and decided that this is gong to be a routine part of my life so I needed a local doctor to do it.  

So, I pushed all of those balls a bit further.  

I could not pick out the two tabled.  So I sent an email to my decorator showing her my three picks for each room and asking her to make the decision for me,  hopefully I'll hear from her tomorrow. 

I'm so,tired.  Going  to bed now.  Giving the big Thanksgiving luncheon tomorrow,   Just shoot me now!


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