Sunday, November 16, 2014

Day 217 - Fun Day!

Dear Friend,

I slept 11 hours last night.  But when I woke up I woke up alert.  Not quite ready to jump up, but I got another pillow and sat up more in bed, turned the heating blanket on pk and my sweet husband brought me a cup of coffee.  I started in on some online stuff and after a short while I wanted to sit up more and then I WANTED to get out of bed!  This is whole new territory for me!  And, it's just 11:00 and I am so ready to go to sleep.  I've got a good to-do list made I for tomorrow.  It was the one for today, but I didn't get any of it done, so it should be fine for tomorrow.  I did go to our NCAA regionals game and was so proud of our team for winning!  So we are trying to figure out what hst them for dinner again this week before they go on to play this coming weekend.

Some of the students were already chanting my husband's name at the game today. That was neat!  Our daughter came and it is so good to have her here!

We are giving the big Thanksgiving luncheon this week.  There is a lot to be done, but I don't think I really have much that I have to do, which is just a wonder.

 I saw an art print today that had the days to-do list which was :  WAKE UP, SEIZE THE DAY, GO TO SLEEP, REPEAT.  Gosh, I haven't seized a day for a loooong time!!

My daughter made me watch a Taylor Swift video of her singing her latest song in a car with a guy singing it to the radio.  Cute idea.  Great song.  Made me realize that I must get myself to jazzercise.  Jazzercisemis my Obi Wan Kenobi ... if you get my Star Wars reference.  My only hope. Get it?

Had a good talk with our son this evening.  He's quitting his job at the end of the week which I'm very glad about.  He's working in his apartment and can't get to any of his meetings.  Not good.  He's putting out some job applications for some professor positions and to work at some rehab places.  I think he'd be good at that.  He and his roommate are going to host a Thanksgiving dinner for some of their AA friends who don't have anywhere to go.  My gosh!  The goodness of God and His kindness and mercy never cease to amaze me!  I never would have believed this could happen a few years ago.

Well, I'm about to fall asleep ... which is so strange!

Have a great week!


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