Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 133

Dear Reader, 

Good news!  My husband is back safely from his trip!  SO glad to have him home.  He looked so handsome when I greeted him at the door!

I am relieved that tomorrow is the day we will announce that we are moving.  He is talking to certain people individually first, then releasing a large email, and then doing a publicity release.  The paper will probably immediately put it online and I'm sure it will be front page news tomorrow.  I'm not well known at all other than being "the smiling wife at his side", but he is, in the words of Will Ferrell in Anchor Man, "kind of a big deal"!  I'll be glad for the news to be out.  This has gone on so long and I feel like I'm being dishonest with a lot of people. We have a basketball game in the evening, and that's likely to be AWKWARD!!!

I spent a lot more time today on my resolutions and new schedule and feel pretty good about it.  I'm not worrying too much just yet about getting to bed at a particular time or anything, but I'm still worried about being able to wake up.  I think that's harder than going to sleep, and that's saying a lot!  It's all part of this disorder called Dysautonomia.  My autonomic nervous system doesn't get the message that I'm trying to wake up so it doesn't shift my blood to my core, nor does it increase my pulse or raise my blood pressure or anything.  I don't think my mind gets the message either, or that it even fully perceives the sensory messages of light or the alarm.  I have a plan for tomorrow and hopefully it will work and I will be out of the bed within 35 minutes of the alarm going off.  

I also purchased an ap this evening for exersizes.  It cost $14.95, but I think it's going to be worth it.  It's called workouttrainer.  I decided that the basics of toning are 1) stretching, 2) arms, 3) legs, 4) hips, 5) glutes, 6) back, and 7) core followed by another quick set of stretches.  I've got a routine pulled together and have my mat sitting out ready to go.  I really, really hope this works.  Everything is on the floor so it shouldn't challenge my orthostatic blood pressure too much and mess me up.  

I also have put together a list of things to go over with my housekeeper.  She is so nice and does good work, but lacks a lot in professionalism and the ability to stay focused.  Since we are leaving, I need to really train her now and get her ready for the next occupant of this house and job!  

I expect that tomorrow will be awful.  I expect that I will rebel at everything I've set for myself to do!  Especially at waking up!  But I have a couple of rewards set up that should make it up to me.  One is that I'm going out for lunch and READING!  All by myself, why is one of my favorite things.  And then I am going to a Starbucks and staying there the rest of the day.  I love doing that as well.  People don't usually recognize me if I'm not with my husband, so this is a way for me to get away from the hecticness at the house and be around people while still being left alone.  I'm a huge introvert, but I can pull out an amazing extrovert when it's necessary.  

Then I plan to go to the YMCA and do some muscle toning, go by Publix to pick up dinner, run by to see my mom quickly, go home and cook dinner, clean up and go to the game.  It should be a full day!  Also, I have five friends that I need to call before our leaving gets announced, and there is nothing I hate more than talking on the phone!



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