Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 122

Dear Reader, 

This will be short because I'm really tired and it's late.  

The latest news is that I did get up, got dressed and left the house first thing.  I went to Starbucks and had a chai latte made with soy milk (not as good as mine!).  Things were going great until a woman recognized me and sat down beside me and talked for at least thirty minutes!  

After she left, finally, I did a lot of medical research for a former university student who used to come to my Bible study.  She is married with kids now, but we keep up on Facebook.  I saw that she had been given some factually incorrect information by her doctor.  So I checked up on everything and sent her some websites to check out to verify what I was going her, and then did some research on her doctor, a neurologist.  He got his medical degrees in Puerto Rico and did his residency and internship at some second tier hospitals.  Of the ten online patient reviews I found, they all rated him poorly.  I had all sorts of problems with my computer and was ready to throw it out the window!  

I came home around 5:00 and saw that my housekeeper had not done some pretty basic things.  I need to have a talk with her so I spent a lot of time this evening getting everything ready and organized that I need to talk to her about, but now there probably won't be time in the morning for it!  Getting ready took longer than I expected. I hate being a boss and I hate having to criticize anyone!!  But a me boss is coming and I have to have her prepared so she doesn't lose her job.  

I did exercise this evening, yay!  I've definitely started having some pain.  It was bad enough last night that it woke me up.  It's going to nine a fine line to walk between continuing to tone my muscles while keeping the pain and inflammation under control.  I was enjoying myself tonight and almost did a lot mom before I came to my senses and thought better of it.  

Another couple of good things I did today was I ate healthfully and even made a long-overdue appointment with my cardiologist.  

So, goodnight and have a great day tomorrow!


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