Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 112 - Two steps forward, one-and-a-half steps back!

Dear Reader, 

No wonder I'm tired.  I just saw that it's after midnight. So this will, probably, be short.  

I have had 404 page views which I find astonishing.  How is anyone finding this?  I did a search on rebooting your life and went through several search pages with no hint of this blog of mine.  I did, however, find a LOT of people willing to tell you HOW to reboot YOUR life.  I thought that was funny, seeing as how it is the complete opposite of what I am writing about!  I have no idea how to reboot my own life, much less anyone else's!  Instead, this blog lets you watch as I muddle around, trying to figure this out.  No "how-tos" here!

I've been thinking about this parathyroid tumor thing.  If I have that, then that is extremely important to know.  And if I have that, then that could be the thread to pull to unravel the whole bundled ball of twine.  And without knowing it, there would be no way for me to improve my health no matter how hard I tried.  I put in a call to my doctor and was told that my lab results had just gotten in and he has not seen them yet.  So I do hope to know next week.  Except I'm going to New York next week for three days, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday; and he doesn't come into the office on Fridays.   Hmmm.  Well, we'll see.  

I did two things today that I've been putting off forever.  I had a bone density test done two years ago, but never heard back from the doctor.  It was done at a large research hospital out of town, and I never wanted to deal with all the rigamarole you  have to go through before you can actually talk to someone.  But I did it today in light of this calcium test. It turns out that the hormones the tumors produce somehow actually pull calcium out of your bones!  They cause osteoporosis!  Well, the test was normal, but I'm supposed to have it redone every two years anyway, they said.  

Then, I called my cardiologist, also at this research hospital, to make an appointment. It's been more than a year since I've seen her.  She's not only great, but she focuses on women's heart health, which is different from men's. 

So, good progress, huh?  Until you know that I missed a dentist appointment!  I had an appointment back last May.  But getting the X-rays took so long that I had to leave before getting my teeth cleaned.  Then I traveled a lot that summer, and then the fall semester started, and then Christmas.  So I finally made the appointment and missed it!  

There is not even a good excuse for missing.  I did not look at my calendar last night, and so completely forgot about it.  I'm going to be so embarrassed Monday when I call in.  They sent me so many reminders and then I forgot!  Maybe I'll just get a different dentist!?

Today started off okay, but I drank coffee instead of my usual chai soy-latte, and my stomached apparently can't handle coffee anymore.  I was still okay until I took my supplements and squirted a dropper-full of  rehmannia into my mouth instead of dissolving it in water.  I've done this before, but today it made me incredibly ill!  Oh, gosh, I was sick!  Still am a little. I was kind of sick last night so I suppose it's possible I've got a stomach bug.  If I HAD remembered my appointment, I would have had to cancel it anyway.  

I had to lay down for quite a while as I dealt with the fireworks in my stomach, and so I didn't get a lot done today. I did get the protein skimmer on my saltwater aquarium cleaned out last night (by skipping a men's basketball game) and I replaced the filters and cleaned out the carbon filters and filled them with fresh carbon today. The water should be crystal clear by tomorrow. 

I was feeling somewhat better later in the afternoon, so we went out on our usual Friday night date.  I had a perfect dinner of mahi mahi on a bed of rice and a side of broccoli.  Unfortunately, our good dinner was followed by an awful movie.  We went to see August: Osage County with Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts.  Though I suppose both leads did admirably, the movie was just awful.  Selfish, self-centered, cruel people, all wrapped up and tangled together by an old sin that now reaches out and ruins the lives go the next generation.  It's just pure Southern Gothic at its finest/worst!the only surprise is that it's set in Oklahoma in areas of Mississippi!  There's a tiny element of redemption at the end for Julia Roberts character, but not enough to sit through two hours of drama and screaming.  Especially when the writing is not very good and the plot is trite and formulaic.  

The one good thing about the movie is that it spoke to me somewhat regarding my mother.  "Barbara", Julia's character realizes at the end how truly awful her mother is and kisses her goodbye and leaves.  The one care-taking sister has let them know that she is leaving the next morning for none other than New York (!) and that the other two sisters who moved away cannot point fingers at her, she's done!  She's found a man and they are leaving and the other two can figure out what to do about their mother.  The middle sister leaves after an altercation during the night, which leaves Barbara alone to take care of her mother who, besides being butter, heartless, and cruel; also has cancer and is addicted to prescription pills.  The movie isn't terribly clear here about what the transformation is in Barbara.  Perhaps it is that she finally sees the truth about her mother and decides that this is not going to be her future. And so the movie ends with her getting in her car and driving away while her mother screams for her to come back. That's kind of what I am finally doing, isn't it?  Deciding that I've done my time and my life has been sacrificed long enough and my two older brothers can figure out what to do about mom, but I'm done!  AND ... I'm moving to New York!  Interesting.  

"The Phantom of the Opera" plays a role in the movie.  I think the connection is that the woman in the musical ( who I can't stand because she is so foolish and weak and gullible!) thinks that this man, her "Angel of the Music" is an idyllic person and will be a wondrous lover.  But then she Alize's that he is in fact a monster who is kidnapping her away from the man who loves here, but she has rejected up until now because she is smitten by the a Phantom.  So, has Barbara had a false image of her mother as the victim and now she suddenly sees that her mother is anything but?  And that she is the one in danger of being carried away into her mother's life and a frightful future?  Hmmmm.  Sounds a lot like me!  But at least my drama isn't quite so melodramatic!  I can only hope!  

Well, I see that it is now after 1:00 so I will go on to bed now. I hope you have a great day tomorrow!  


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