Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 114 - I Did it!

Dear Reader, 

well, I am proud to report that I actually did get a massage today!  I found that the massage place I was looking at gave one-hour massages for $40!  That's a crazy good price!  I got a Swedish massage and really enjoyed it.  The technician seemed very knowledgeable, but since I've only had two massages before, how would I really know??

I am in bed, as usual, and eating blueberries.  So good!  I've eaten fairly well today, other than one bad moment when I inhaled six Glutino Oreo-type cookies when I suddenly got tense. That's 300 calories!  I knew what I was doing, so I can't claim that I didn't realize it.  But I just WANTED sugar!  Badly! Right then!  But if you were to ask me if I stress eat I'd say nah!  

What happened was I came hone from the massage and realized I was not going to have time to exercise and work with my housekeeper.  So I was annoyed with myself for not exercising earlier in the day. This is four days in a row that I have not worked out!

My time with my housekeeper went well, though.  I talked with her about consistency and professional demeanor.  She sometimes comes in happy and with her hair fixed and makeup on and tackles the house with vigor!  Other times she crawls in, looking like she just woke up and is upset, and misses a lot of things that needs to be done.  So I talked to her about basic cheerfulness on the job, leaving her mood and problems at the door, and coming up with an easy way to do her hair and makeup that she can do every day with no trouble.  I showed her how to put her hair in a quick bun and tomorrow will show her how to do a two-minute makeup job. The only problem is that I really don't know how to d her makeup.  She has brown skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. She is so own to learning.  She didn't really have a mother.  Her mother was an alcoholic and the father was a no-show.  Her mom was too absorbed in herself and frequently abandoned the two girls for months at a time.  Then she'd show up and act like nothing happened, until the next time.  Her mother died when her daughter was around 40, and before they had completely reconciled which is just a shame.  

I almost weighed today!  Alllll-most!  My swelling was way down this morning and I almost got my nerve up, but then did something else and then forgot about it!  I'm quite swollen at the moment, but perhaps it will go down by tomorrow morning.  

My day did not start out on a great note.  I didn't have as much problems waking up, but just really wanted to keep sleeping. Then I got a text from my husband's secretary saying that this woman wanted to come do a tv show about our house.  Grrrrr!  She wanted to do this last year, too, but never even returned my call when I called her back.  I didn't want to do it at all, but apparently I "have" to!  I have to give a reception in February, so I'll let her come the day after that.  

I've never received the magnesium lotion I ordered, but I can't remember with whom I placed the order.  (That's right ... I said "with whom"!). I emailed the two companies I think it might have been, but went ahead an ordered a bottle from Amazon so I can get started on it.  If you're not taking magnesium, you should read up on it!

Well, that's all for today. My mom is still being really difficult. I had an unpleasant phone conversation with her this evening and learned that people who go to physical therapy are using it to make themselves feel more important than other people. She's never liked people, but now she just despises everyone!

Oh!  Lastly, I did listen to a morning meditation today which helped. I tried two others first, but didn't like them. But the third one was quite nice.  It was "Wake Up! 10- Minute Guided Morning Meditation at  

It's almost 11:30 right now.  I'm going to soak in some Epsom salts while I make a tight to-do list for tomorrow.  I'm going to hope/try/wish to have my lights out by 12:00!  Wish me luck!  No, scratch that.  Wish me self-discipline!

I hope you are finding your way out of your own morasses!  I'm still lost in mine.  



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