Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 129 - System Warming Up

 Dear Reader, 

Well, as I said last night, today was a new day, and a bit better day.  How so? Uh ....hmmmm ... well, I got up and followed my schedule, even putting on my makeup and fixing my hair.  Only problem was I didn't start the new day until after 11:00! 

Last night was another challenging night for sleep.  DH (Dear Husband) was coming down with bronchitis and was coughing a lot and clearing his throat a lot.  He ultimately went to my study where there is a nice recliner to go to sleep.  He was still coughing when I was trying to go to sleep, but I couldn't hear him with earplugs in.  He actually came home from work to go to bed, and that is amazing!  Almost never happens!  I bet money that I'm going to come down with it.  I was already sick about a month ago and then sick again over the holidays.  He went to Texas for a visit with his family and  his step-father had pneumonia.  I bet he brought home that Texas virus and I won't have any immunity to it.  I'm sleeping in the family room tonight in an effort to not catch it.  Our daughter fled the scene as soon as she found out. She's like me, we both really, really do not want to get sick!

I had a good long prayer time.  Had to spend a lot of time with God about what happened with my mother last night.  She texted me an apology this morning which shocked the life out of me.  The Holy Spirit must have really been at work on her last night.  Or her mental illness caused her to calculate her best odds of keeping me in her life, and decided that an apology was it!  Hard to tell.. Holy Spirit, or mental illness??  Ha! Ha!  She started out a little strange on the phone tonight when I called her, but I did not acknowledge it and plowed along like nothing was wrong.  I even wrote out a list of things to talk about before I called.  She eventually seemed to come mostly out of it by the time I got off the phone.  Taking care of myself through this round with her was a huge thing for me.  

I had started with one of those little pitches of squashed up fruit for little kids as I was getting dressed.  It was surprisingly good and satisfying.  Later I had a good smoothie and coffee with soy creamer and xylitol, and  just some taco chips and a little tub of guacamole for a late afternoon snack. I made shredded BBQ in the crockpot from boneless, skinless chicken thighs.  I even used scissors to trim off the extra fat that was still on them. I served the BBQ on plain potatoes along with a really good salad. And, best of all, I only had one Glutino Oreo-type cookie.  So this us seriously less sugar today than what I've been having.  I just had a small piece of fruit leather for a snack.  Not good, but not bad.  I'm trying to find easier, healthier snack options for night time.  I've even brought up a banana in case I get hungry.  

The bad news, though, is that I didn't do even the tiniest bit of exercising, and very little meditating either.  The housekeeper was here and my husband was, too, and I was a little embarrassed to do it with them around.

I started my household inventory after selecting nestegg for my ap.  I am liking it so far.  I have just a world of work to do, though!  I've barely gone through the special ornaments we had on the tree, not even quite through with these.  Of course, the ornaments are probably the most labor-intensive work of all.  

It's only 11:20 pm, so I think I may even get to bed at a decent time tonight.  I have to be sure, though, to write down three reasons why I want to get up tomorrow.  I didn't last night, and I really couldn't think of a single reason to get up until I remembered I was going to inventory the ornaments!  Yes, I'm the kind of person who gets excited over something like doing an inventory!  Pretty sad!

Oh, I did one other thing I'm happy about.  In trying to start taking better care of myself, I made a hair appointment, a well-woman appointment, and a dentist appointment ... things I've been putting off for months.  Well, not the hair, but the other two things for sure.  



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