Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 111 - Sick Again?

Dear Reader, 

I'm not sure what's wrong, but I feel really bad.  With me, I'm never sure what's going on.  I was sick yesterday, and then slept till almost noon today.  We went to our favorite bakery for lunch and then I ran some errands.  When I got home, we went to see our women's basketball game, which we won finally.  But in the second half my husband looked at me and saw that I looked really bad and sent me home.  

I went to bed and slept for a while.  Woke up, but did not feel well enough to go to the men's game.  It's a weird feeling.  Just ... bad.  And exhausted.  And kind f sick at my stomach, but not markedly so.  I think the most likely explanation is that I came down with a virus yesterday and am better today, but still not well.  

As far as progress on my goals goes, not a single bit today.  

I did go see my mother because I was pretty sure she'd be hostile if I just called her.  She was in a pleasant mood and we had a good visit for an hour.  She said something about getting really "crotchety" and hoping that we could be patient with her, and then mentioned that she didn't want to take any medicines.  If she was only crotchety, it wouldn't be a bit deal, but she goes far beyond that.  

Oh, I forgot to mention that I dared to weigh yesterday.  My high weight used to be 185.  This is the weight at which I knew I had to cut back, and then could usually bring it down to 180-182.  But it was 189.5 today, which is discouraging. 

I want cheese so badly right now.  We have part of a big wheel of cheddar in the refrigerator and I just want to go down and slice off a hunk so bad right now!  Maybe just a few potato chips would help?  But they're downstairs and I feel too weak and tired to make the effort!

So, a disappointing self-evaluation today.  But tomorrow is a new one. I hope we will both have a good one!



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