Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 109 - Crummy Day!

Dear Reader,

Well, I can assure you that I was NOT my "best self" today.  Not by a long shot!  I was my disgruntled, truculent, general-bad-mood self.  I'm pretty sure I know why.  One is that I leave for our trip t New York in the morning, and traveling is very stressful for me, being an extremely high-maintenance sort of person.  But today I wanted to just put my head in the sand and act like it wasn't happening!  I have done nothing to get ready at all.  I have, instead, used the skill at which I most excel ... WASTING TIME!  There is no one who can waste time like me!  Just so you understand, let me explain that I spent an HOUR late last night trying to find PURPLE INDEX CARDS online!  There is an image of them on google images, but they are impossible to find!  I even wasted time on it today!  And this evening!  All I want are some nice, pretty index cards, but that is apparently too much to ask.  The are pretty recipe cards out there, but no index cards.  I use index cards a lot to keep hold of Bible verses I come across that fit in with a line of thought I have going, or something I want to write about or teach about.  I finally found some cute ones made by Mead that have a black and white border pattern and a black and white swirl pattern.  But I do not joke when I say I probably used up three hours on this between last night and today.  That's just ridiculous and I'm really embarrassed by it and trying to figure out why in the world I did that.  I mean, I know I'm a little obsessive-compulsive, but this was a bit extreme.  

 But before I begin my self-castignation, let me think back to what I did right today.  I did make my chai last night so it would be ready this morning.  I did bring up a Luna bar to eat so that I could exercise first thing.  I did exercise, quite a lot, this morning.  I had a prayer time and read my Bible.  I ate a healthy lunch, altogether I did eat too many potato chips.  And I made some important phone calls, which I did not want to do.  

But now, since I avoided the hard thing of getting ready for the trip, I have to get up quite early (for me) tomorrow to get packed.  My husband says I may be asked to come to the Board Meeting, in high case I would need to look professional.  But I hope that is not the case because I'm supposed to be looking at houses during the day.  

Back, now, to self-castignation.  I was also un-disciplined today reading a novel.  I accidentally read the last in a series, and this was the book that came before it.  I love the characters and some really bad things happen to them In this book.  So I just kept reading!  I needed to go buy water for my fish tank really badly, but now I'm just going to have to see if I can squeeze it in tomorrow morning, or coerce my daughter into doing it while I'm gone. Which won't happen, so it just leaves my fish and coral in a tank with too high of a salt concentration which is bad for them.  

I also did not do a single thing towards finishing putting away all the Christmas decorations.  And you know why?  Because I didn't want to!  But I was mad at myself for not wanting to.  And then I was mad at myself for letting my not-wanting-to win over self-discipline.  

Oh, and, let's not forget that I was mad at myself because I ate three Glutino cookies at lunch and too many of those potato chips.

AND I was mad because the jeans I put on today were too tight!  I found exactly where the extra five pounds are!  Right around my waist and behind the zipper of my pants!  So what in the world will I wear while we're gone?

I spent a lot of time being mad at myself today!

Oh, here's a fun fact.  Talbots sat on my order for four days before they shipped it, so, even though I ordered it a week and a half ago, it still has not gotten in.  I have good clothes, but I don't really have something that comes together as a professional winter suit and I was counting on a jacket in this order to work with a skirt I have to make a nice winter suit.  AND I ordered a good quality, long, winter coat on a half-price sale, so it's not hear either!  So, I get to decide between wearing my bigmouth puffy, Eddie Bauer down coat, or just freezing in the cold weather!  It's actually colder here than it will be there, but I could still really use that coat!   

I didn't like working out first thing this morning.  I didn't feel well before, during, or after it.  Since the five pounds are still on, I think I will need to get back to the Y.  I don't mind doing the elliptical, unless I'm having a bad day, that is.  Swimming would be better, but I hate getting in the water when it's cold!  (I told you that it would be easier to be my usual complaining, whiney self today ... and I think I really came through on that!!)

I did call the dentist and rescheduled that appointment.  They were nice about it, but it turns out they were planning on doing some massive sort of cleaning that involves being anesthetized!!  No one told me about that, and I can't possibly risk having a severe reaction in a dentist's office for a cleaning!  So I explained this and it will be just a regular cleaning when I go back in.  

I talked to my cardiologist's assistant about setting up a visit, but the doctor doesn't have an opening until 9 days before we move, so that's not going to work. She's going to talk to the doctor to see if she can get me in earlier.  

My doctor won't be in until Wednesday, so I still don't know what my calcium levels are.  So that gets to wait on the back burner as well.  

I talked to the man in New York who owns one of the houses we are interested in and set up a time to come and see it on Wednesday.  It is my least favorite of the three houses, it will only allow for maybe four parked cars, and it looks like the living spaces are quite small.  All of this will rule out the big parties we like to give.  It also has the smallest kitchen which is right out in with the living area, which really won't work with having caterers preparing meals.  So, I'm looking forward to getting this settled!  

Tomorrow, my goal will be to make decisions quickly and pack quickly,  go get the aquarium water, and be a patient, cheerful, non-whiney and non-complaining traveling companion!  Think I can pull it off?  Well, hang on to your seats until I post my next news in the life and training of Lisa McNichols!


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