Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 127 - Holding Steady

Dear Reader,

Oh my gosh!  I've had 177 views of my blog!  That astounds me.  What fun!

I woke up at 10:30 this morning, which is earlier than I have awakened in a month or so.  I'm playing with my morning schedule and tried something different today that didn't really work.  I decided to stay in my nightgown and have my prayer time first, then put on workout clothes and makeup.  Then read my Bible, then workout, meditate, change clothes and fix my hair.  I'm not exactly sure where I lost my grip, but I did. So I'm trying something different tomorrow and see how it goes.  

The problem is that I have difficulty convincing myself that there is a good reason for me to get out of bed.  I have a very complicated living situation that is quite unusual.  My husband is a university president, so I am, believe it or not, the First Lady of the university.  I live in a house on campus with a full-time housekeeper, a grounds crew, and all sorts of other people who come into the hues all the time for various types of maintenance on the house.  And since the house is a Victorian and around 130 years old, it needs quite a lot of maintenance.  Since I am an introvert, having no privacy is very, very difficult.  There are five buildings that look down into my backyard and students walk along our picket fence constantly. I am an outdoors person and like to be outside whenever possible, but my dogs have to be with me and they bark at the students!  So it's just awkward.  And with all these people around, it saps my energy and I just want to stay in bed because it is literally the only place that people will,pretty much leave me alone!

I did buy a foam wedge that I'm supposed to put under my feet in the morning to get the blood up to my head.  This is supposed to help with the dysautonomia morning difficulties.  But I've had it two mornings now and have forgotten each time.  I'll use it tomorrow, for sure!  

I'm interested in getting one of these contraptions that hold you upside down by your ankles!  People with dysautonomia tend to be kind of foggy in their thinking because they are not getting enough oxygen to their brain, so I wonder if that would be helpful?

I've been eating pretty healthfully and have lessened my sugar intake a good bit, and reduced my carbs also.  I stay up so late that I start to get hungry again and have to get, literally, a midnight snack.  Last night when I got up I made celery sticks filled with dairy-free cream cheese (super allergic to dairy!), put some Pickapeppa on top and then wrapped deli turkey lunch meat around them. They were really good!

I'm being more careful about going to bed orderly and the insomnia seems to be better right now, so that's hopeful. I'm getting to bed a little earlier as well.  My husband is now sick with a bronchitis-type illness he picked up on his trip to see his family in a different state.  I HOPE SO BADLY to not catch it for him!!  In trying to give my body everything it needs to stay healthy I have not been setting an alarm in the morning and am just letting my body wake up when it wakes up.  It's really sweet in the mornings because I always find two of my dogs have jumped in bed with me after my husband got up and are asleep!

I spent some time today looking at less expensive vitamins and supplements.  I have been using Xymogen and Pure Encapsulations, but when you take as many as I do, the price really mounts up!  I recently added a Swanson's anti-stress formula which, when taken in conjunction with Seriphos is supposed to lower your cortisone levels.  So I looked up Swanson's and -- my goodness!  They have TONS of things, and at much better prices!  They have rave reviews from people talking about what good quality their products are, so I'm thinking I'll change to them if I'm satisfied with these.  

In reading up on all the different offerings and combinations they had for rhodelia, I found one reviewer who commented on a particular blend they sell (it has ginkgo and all sorts of other things in it) and said that this product along with something else that they sell in a liquid drop form gave them their life back!  Well, you can image how fast I added those two things to my order!  I'll let you know if they help. 

I didn't get a meditation in today, though I did yesterday.  But I haven't worked put for three days now!  I "haven't been able" to, as in, I put it off to the last and then ran out of time.  I have a real aversion to working out now.  It has caused me to crash so many times.  Sometimes it causes an inflammation burst which causes my whole body to be in fierce pain until I take high doses of prednisone for a few days.  Other times I will sprain something or pull a tendon, or a joint will come out of place and cause me a lot of pain.  So, in my mind, exercise equals pain.  I came across something in a forum about dysautonomia that said 

Today was my first "Take-Care-of-Yourself-Wednesday"

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