Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 173 - and ... WE'RE OFF!!!

Dear Friends,

Today has been a pretty good day!even though I stayed up excessively late last night, I didn't let myself go back to sleep after I woke up around 10 this morning.  I had a long prayer time, got the disgusting kitchen cleaned up (I hate leaving cleaning the kitchen till the next morning and almost never do it).  Then I had a prayer time and perfected (?) my daily schedule.  I got some more laundry done, took care of a lot of packages that needed returning and packed up my mother's last gifts to send to her.  Then I got some work done on putting up all of the ornaments on the Christmas tree and made a pretty nice dinner.  First day with no sugar.  I've used gluten-free cookies to signal to myself that dinner is over.  I tried eating some pistachios tonight and that helped.  I'm thinking some hot tea might be better.

I've got my light-box alarm clock set up to wake me up with an FM station I listen to a lot here, basically pop music.  It has been surprising to learn the connection between REM sleep and depression.  The more anxious or depressed you are, the moreREm sleep you need to calm your brain down.  But too much  REM sleep keeps you from getting the slow-wave sleep you need to get really rested and refreshed.  Plus, it actually makes your brain tired and uses up the glucose your brain needs which causes you to be more tired when you wake up, making you less productive and making life harder, etc. which sets you up to be more anxious.  It's been really interesting readin on breaking this cycle at every place you can.  The one I'm going to focus on the most is not sleeping in.  I dream solid when I do that.

So getting up regularly is a big resolution for the year.
Not eating sugar for six months is another.
Exercising or doing yoga five days a week is another
Having a dedicated time for writing is the next.
Quit being mean and talking ugly to myself about myself is another that I almost forgot about.

Nothing to it, huh??!

I read one thing that says that when you make resolutions, you should ask yourself about each; why am I not already doing this?  What is keeping me from having this be a part of my life?  What is hindering me?  But then I read that too much introspection increases depression!  So, there you go!  What's a woman to do??

So. Would you like to see the finalized daily schedule?  Why, SURE you would!


8:00 -
get out of bed, brush teeth, skin care, get dressed

Go downstairs and let the dogs out, feed them, start the coffee, clean u the floor, let dogs back in, grab coffee and an apple and go upstairs

Put on makeu and fix my hair.  Make the bed, neaten my bedside table and bathroom, open the blinds.  Grab up dirty clothes and any dishes and carry them downstairs.

Sort the dirty clothes and start a small load of laundry.  Unload the dishwasher, load any dirty dishes, clean off the counters, tidy the den, and breakfast room

9:30-9:45 -
Make smoothie and get ready to go to yoga or Jazzercise, leave the house

10:00 - 10:15 -
Yoga or Jazzercise

After this, the day may take one of two courses depending on whether I need to run errands or come back home.  Here are the two options:

A.  Errands:
11:00 -
run errands, doctor's appointments, manicures, etc., read Bible and have prayer time; eat lunch out

2:30 -
be home, out laundry on to dry, change clothes, put purchases away, fold and out up laundry

B.  Return Home
11:15 -
put clothes on to dry, eat lunch, fold and put away laundry; work on house: organizing, de cluttering, unpacking, etc.

2:30 -
Put house back together for the rest of the day, change clothes

And then, regardless of whether I worked at home or ran errands, the next step is the same for each day:

3:00 -
Make some hot tea and sit down in my office to write, work on query letters, submit articles, etc.

5:00 -
Start dinner, make personal phone calls, clean refrigerator as I go along, a little each day

6:15 -
Serve dinner at the table, clean the kitchen, and watch TV with family

8:30-ish -
Get ready for bed, lay out clothes for the next day, take supplements, Facebook, play around on the internet, read some ... keeping an eye on the time so that I am done NO LATER than 11:30!

Saturdays will be for planning the week's menus and putting in a food order for delivery, also for doing concentrated and focused work on the house.

Sunday will be for church and relaxing.  Maybe brushing my dogs out and taking them for walks.

So, what do you think?  It seems pretty doable.  I realized now that I didn't include any time for working on emails and taking care of household management and repairs or planing events.  I guess that could be done after exercising.   Hmmmm.

Well, I don't want to stay up too late, so I will say good night.  I hope this has been a restful and peaceful day for you ... and that you didn't spend it either with your head in the toilet or lying flat in a darkened room all day suffering the after effects of too much partying last night!  It takes almost nothing at all to make me slightly drunk.  Were talking about anything more than one glass of wine.  But let me tell you what!  I am HYSTERICAL when I'm a little drunk!  At least Inthink I'm hysterical.  I know people with me are usually laughing!  WITH me, I'm sure!  Not AT me!

Stay classy!


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